Report card

School timeline

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    Noah Webster

    Known as the School master of America. Webster believed that we should throw out all british textbooks and learn an american history so that schools turned out children as americans.
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    Black schools

    Black children learned in "sewing schools." They were there to learn how to sew, but text books were hidden under their sewing projects. This was done at the risk of death often times.
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    Private Schools

    Schools were only available to those who could pay for them and only the wealthy couuld afford an education the wentr beyond primary level
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    Dame School

    Dame schools were a gorified Day care. Some learning was incorporated for example children learned their letters and discipline.
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    Learning linked to the bible

    All learning is linked to the bible. Bible passages are learned in school and a healthy fear of god and their parents is instilled.
  • New England Primer

    This is the most common text book of the time until Noah Webster prints the Blue Back Speller.
  • Average school days

    Average school days
    The average school attendence in 1776 is 82 days
  • Jeffersons Education Bill

    Jeffersons Education Bill
    Thomas Jefferson authors a billl in the Virgina Legislater. It mandates three years of education for all children. Also it would provide advanced education for a select few. In his words "raking a few genius' from the rubish." His bill we defeated 3 times from 1779-1817. A direct result of this bill was the univeristy of Virgina
  • Blue Back speller

    Blue Back speller
    Noah webster published this in 1783, it was a spelling book based on american english. It was a precurser to the Webster Dictionary.
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    Horace Mann was the first secutray of Education in Massachusetts. He over saw and created the Common schools in Massachusetts.
  • Great School Debates

    Great School Debates
    Since the common school was based on and taught the Protastent faith cathloic students refused to go to school. Bishop John P. Hughes debates on creating a second cathloic based school and giving cathloics their share of the common school budget.
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    Black Schools in boston

    Blacks were restricted to 2 schools in boston
  • Newyork board of education

    Newyork board of education
    The New York board of education replaces the public school society to run the New York schools. This is a responce to public presssure.
  • Philidelphia Bible Roits

    Philidelphia Bible Roits
    These were riots against the anit-cathloic sentiment in philidelphia and the rumor that teaching the bible was going to be removed from schools. At the end 13 people were dead and one church was burned.
  • Protest & Petition on Boston Schools

    Protest & Petition on Boston Schools
    This was a protest and petition to end segregation in Boston schools. It was brought by concerned parents who were helped by Fredrick Douglas.
  • Average school days and cost for Massachuetts

    Average school days and cost for Massachuetts
    1837: 4 months
    1848: 7 months
    1837: 2.81 Per Pupil
    1848: 4.80 Per Pupil
  • Roberts v. City of Boston

    Roberts v. City of Boston
    Benjamin Roberts brought a suite for his daughter Sarah againts the city of Boston to end segregation in Boston schools. It eventually reached the Massachutetts Supreme court who ruled against roberts. This case was cited in 1896 by the US Supreme court as support for seperate but equal.
  • Massachutestts Abolishes Segregation

    Massachutestts Abolishes Segregation
    In 1855 the Massachutetts Legislater abolished segregation in massachutetts public schools.
  • Archbishop John P. Hughes

    Archbishop John P. Hughes
    John p. hughes becomse the Archbishop of New York and uses his power and influence to create a Cathloic school system as the main alternative to the common school. It remains the dominitant alternative school to this day.
  • Civil war ends

    Civil war ends
    The civil war ends and slavery is abolished. For blacks in the south it was like an entire race went to school. There was no one too old or too young who didnt feel like they could use some schooling.
  • Congress mandiates common school

    Congress mandiates common school
    After the civil war congress requires all states to guarantee public education in their constitutions.
  • Westward expansion

    Westward expansion
    With the expansion of America westward there was a great demand for teachers. Every town needed something to draw people to it. Schools were a popluar means of doing this. Most of the teachers that went west were women. Everyone wanted a women as a teacher because they were cheaper.
  • Public schools budget and enrollment

    1870: 63 million
    1890: 141 million
    1870: 7.6 million
    1890: 12.7 million
  • Children in school

    In 1900 over 50% of children are in school and the average ammount of time in school is 5 years
  • School and Society

    School and Society
    1900 John Dewey publishes School and Society. In it he lays out his ideas on education. He states that it should be progressive and based on a the child and not a given set of criteria.
  • William A. Wirt

    William A. Wirt
    William A. Wirt was the school superintendent in Gary indiana. He implemented John Deweys ideas in the Gary school district. It is very sucessful and adopted in multipule school districts.
  • Children at work

    Children at work
    In 1910 over two million children are still working.
  • New York Gary Riots

    New York Gary Riots
    New York city riots over the use of the Gary plan, which is used in 30 schools. It was a result of the mayorial race and one of candidates characterized the gary plan as only preparation to work in the factories.
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    Elwood P. Cubberley

    Elwood was the dean of the education department at stanford. He put forth the Science of Education management. This outlined carreer tracking which was based in IQ tests and limiting students classes for what ever carrier they were suited.
  • Americanization movement

    The americanization movment tried to teach only english and teach students american history and values. There was a burning of books in other langauges, celebration of christian holidays, and american songs and bible recitation.
  • 1920 School budget and graduation

    Budget: 1 Billion dollars
    Graduation rate of 17 year olds: 17%
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    IQ Tests

    Form 1930-1950 IQ tests were given to public school students to determin carreer tracking. This was siginicantly biased againts minorties. Often minorties were not allowed to take college prep courses.
  • Fair Labor and Standards Act

    This act outlawed the use of chld labor
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    Life Adjustment Education

    This was a popluar movement in the 1940's and 1950's. It was classes for student that were not going to go to college. These classes covered such things as a first date, how to ballence a checkbook, and childcare.
  • Graduation rate 1900-1945

    17 year old Highschool graduation rate
    1900: 6%
    1945: 45%
  • Segregation

    In 1950 segregation was allowed by law in 17 states.
  • Average schooling for Mexican-Americans

    Average schooling for Mexican-Americans: 5.4 years
  • Educational Wasteland

    Educational Wasteland
    Written by Arthur Bestor in it he put forth his view on the declining state of education in america.
  • Brown v. Board of Eudcation

    This was the Supreme Court case banning segregation in public schools. Although it was the law, there was no way for the federal government to enforce it.
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    Black teachers displaced

    An unintended result of Brown v. The board of Education was the displacment of 30,000 black school teachers.
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    This is a response to the cold war and the launch of sputnik. It shifted anouther 100 million dollars annually to education. Also it put alot of students much more heavily toward science and math.
  • Black students still segregated

    In 1964 98% of black students were still enrolled in all black schools.
  • Civil Rights Act

    This act banned discrimination in any federally funded progams. This finally gave the government a way to enforce the desegregation in public schools.
  • Elementary and Secondary Eduacation Act

    This creates new money for education. This totals 4 billion dollars. This is the leverage that was used to enforce the Civil rights act.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson

    Lyndon B. Johnson
    LBJ becomes president of the united states. He is a former school teacher. He brings the focus of the presidency to education.
  • Mexican-american drop outs

    In 1968 Texas schools have a mexiacn-american drop out rate of 75%
  • Women Graduating with professional degrees

    In 1970 only 1% of the Medical or Law degrees are conferred on Women.
  • Banning of IQ tests in LA schools

    Banning of IQ tests in LA schools
    Julian Nava was a highschool student who's brother insisted that he take college prep courses. He later went on graduate college and lead a movement to ban IQ testing in LA schools.
  • Black enrollment after civil rights act

    By 1972 81% of black students are enrolled in desegrated schools.
  • Title IX

    This bans discrimination on the bases of sex in any federally funded program.
  • Bi-lingual education

    In 1974 the US Supreme court rules for bi-lingual education. This is in responce a challenge in San Francisco
  • Children with disabilities act

    Requires education and support be given to students with disabilities.
  • Black college graduation

    1950: 13.7%
    1980: 51.4%
  • Med and Law school degrees for women

    1950: .095%
    1980: 30%
  • Average School Attendence

    1950: 9 years
    1980: 12.5 years
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    Market Place Model for schools

    This is the idea of applying the free market to schools. It started with outsourceing the running of school to private companies. All the services were better taken care of, but the education quality was not higher in any mersuarble way.
  • Excellence in Education

    Excellence in Education
    President Regan annouces Excelence in Education. This puts more focus on high academic standards. This launched the era of high stakes testing.
  • Result of Title IX

    The results of Title IX
    40% of all highschool athletes are women
    50% of all BA's given to women
  • Choice

    New York trys allowing choice. This lets parents take their kids to any school in New York of their chioce. It has minimul effect.
  • Vouchers

    Millwakie, Wisconsin enacts the first voucher program that allows parents to send their children to private school with public school funds.
  • Home Schooling

    Home schooling becomes more popluar.
  • Public School budget

    Budget reaches more then 300 Billion
  • Baltimore Experiment

    Education Alternative inc. Takes over nine baltimore schools and runs them for five years. Although the facilities and supplies were better taken care of there was no measurable difference in test scores.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    President George W. Bush signs the NLCB Act. This requires that children be tested at every grade.
  • Schooling enrollment, and types

    Home School: 2.5%
    Vouchers: .035% Charter Schools: 2100
    Charter Schools run for profit: 173
    Public Schools : more then 90,000
  • School enrollment

    School enrollment is 47.8 million and almost 90% of children are enrolled in school.