Salvador dali

Salvador Dali

  • Salvador Dali was born.

    Salvador Dali was born.
    Artist was born in Catalonia, Spain.
  • Discovered Modern Painting.

    Discovered Modern Painting.
    On a trip to Cadaques, Spain, he was introduced to modern painting.
  • Mother Passed Away.

    Mother Passed Away.
    Dali's mother died of breast cancer.
  • Completed his best-known work

    Completed his best-known work
    Completed his artwork "The Persistence of Memory".
  • Art Piece Completed.

    Art Piece Completed.
    Oil painting "Swans Reflecting Elephants" was completed.
  • Completed Art Piece

    Completed Art Piece
    Dali completed his oil painting "Galatea de las Esferas", which translates to "Galatea of the Spheres".