Rufino Tamayo

  • Rufino Tamayo Birth

    This is the date that Rufino Tamayo was born.
  • Tamayo's mother dies

    In 1911, Rufino Tamayo's mother dies, which is one of the biggest motivations for him to create art.
  • Ninos

    One of the pieces he made early in his life.
  • Marriage

    In 1934, Tamayo gets married to Olga Flores.
  • The Troubadour

    The Troubadour
    Another famous piece of his.
  • America

    One piece of Tamayo's that I like.
  • Children's Games

    Children's Games
    One of the pieces he made in the middle of his life.
  • Watermelons

    His most famous artwork.
  • Moon Dog

    Moon Dog
    A famous piece of his.
  • Moon and Sun

    Moon and Sun
    One of the pieces he created late in his life.
  • Rufino Tamayo Death

    This is the date that Rufino Tamayo died.