Ruby bridges

Ruby bridges

  • ruby nell bridges birth

    ruby nell bridges birth
    ruby bridges was born september 8th 1954.
  • test day (she passed the test)

    test day (she passed the test)
    ruby bridges was 6 when she became the first african american to attend an all white school on november 14th 1960.
  • Ruby bridges married

    In 1984 ruby bridges get married, to Malcom hall, and has 4 sons.
  • Biography was made just for Ruby Bridges

    In 1995 a biography was published about her life story, and how she changed the world about civil rights.
  • Disney made a movie about her.

    In 1998 Disney produced a movie a bout her life story.
  • honored by the US marshals

    Ruby was honored by the US marshals in deputy for her bravery as a child in 2006
  • An exhibit in Ruby Bridges honor.

    The children’s museum Indianapolis unveiled an new exhibit, with Ruby as one of the centerpieces.
  • Ruby is honored

    Ruby has received many awards in her lifetime, including meeting the president and having other paintings in her honor.