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Romeo and Juliet Act V

  • Romeo's Dream

    Romeo's Dream
    Romeo dreams that he is dead and Juliet restores him with a kiss.
  • Romeo buys poison

    Romeo buys poison
    Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is dead and he saw her body being carried to her family tomb. Romeo buys poison so that he can kill himself.
  • Paris visits Juliet

    Paris visits Juliet
    Paris visits Juliet's tomb to bring her flowers. He vows to mourn over her death every night.
  • Romeo and Bathasar arrive at the tomb of Juliet

    Romeo and Bathasar arrive at the tomb of Juliet
    Romeo goes to Juliet’s tomb where he disturbs Paris, who is mourning for her.
  • The Black Plague

    The Black Plague
    Friar John is unable to deliver the letter to Romeo telling him Juliet's and Friar Laurence's plan to fake her death so she doesn't have to marry Paris and can be with Romeo
  • Romeo and Paris Fight

    Romeo and Paris Fight
    Paris sees Romeo at the Capulet's family tomb and thinks Romeo has returned to Verona to do some dishonor to Tybalt's corpse. Paris has no idea that Romeo and Juliet are married. They fight and Romeo kills Paris.
  • Romeo says Goodbye to Juliet

    Romeo says Goodbye to Juliet
    Romeo believes Juliet is dead so his eyes look at her one last time, he embraces her one last time and then toasts her, "Here's to my love!" Romeo drinks the poison and kisses Juliet goodbye and he dies.
  • Juliet Awakes

    Juliet Awakes
    Juliet awakes and discovers the death of Romeo. She refuses to leave with Friar Laurence. She wants to be with Romeo and is upset there is no poison for her to take. Juliet kisses Romeo and then she takes his dagger and stabs herself.
  • Friar Laurence arrives at the Capulet tomb

    Friar Laurence arrives at the Capulet tomb
    Friar Laurence arrives at the Capulet tomb and finds Balthasar. Balthasar tells the Friar that Romeo is inside the tomb with Juliet. Friar Laurence enters the tomb and finds Paris slain and Romeo dead. Juliet wakes up and Friar Laurence tries to convince Juliet to leave with him.
  • Prince of Verona

    Prince of Verona
    Prince Escalus arrives and sees the slain Paris, the dead Romeo, and the newly dead Juliet and wants answers. Friar Laurence, Balthasar, and the letter from Romeo to Lord Montague explains the events of all the deaths. The Montague family and the Capulet family agree to end their fued and build a statue to honor Juliet.