Roaring 20s

By Boxer19
  • Palmer Raids

    The palmer raids begin, lauching a period of interee goverment presecution of radical polical dissisents in response to the poststan red scare sweeping the nation. Palmer Raids also caused immigration restritions.
  • Steel Strike Ends

    The great steel of 1919 ends with capitulation by the steel workers. The technoligy was growing so they were fireing workers.
  • Volested Act

    On January 16, 1920 it was made illegal to sell, make, or transport any drink that contained more than one half of one percent alcohol by volume.
  • Senate Rejects League

    The senate rufused to ratify the versailles treaty or authorize United States partcipation in the league of Nation.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti

    Arrested in May 1920, Sacco & Vanszetti were charged with executing a robbery and murder in exchange for money.
  • Garvey Conference

    Charismatice black nationalist leader marcus garveyia, a jamaican immigrath converse the first inrernation conversation of the nergo people of the Wold. Which is in New York Madiosn squarer garden.
  • 19th amendment

    The 19th amendment is ratifield granting women the right to vote. The 19th amendment was really big back in that day when that got passed.
  • Harding landslide

    Republican warren 6 harding is elected to the presidenty by a landslide.Harding was passed 60 percentof the population.
  • 18 amendment

    Eighteenth Amendment introduces prohibition. Which stops alot of things.
  • Black Tuesday

    Once every couple of generations there is a cleansing cycle. Ocuers within the financial market.