roaring 20's PEAKS

  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    The fisrt red scare in the US was about workers revolution and political radicalism.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    Was to help carry out the act of the Eighteenth Amendment whcih established prohibition in the US.
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    these we attempts from the us department of justice to arrest and deport radical leftists
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    This amendment prohibited alcoholic beverages by saying production, tansport and sale of alcohol was illegal.
  • Treaty Of Versallies Rejected

    Treaty Of Versallies Rejected
    They rejected the treaty because the League Of Nations had joined
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Prohibits any US citizen from being denied the right to vote on the basis of gender.
  • Warren G. Harding elected pres

    Warren G. Harding elected pres
    29th president of the US, he protected alcohol interests and little bit of womans sufferage
  • Washington Disarmament Conference

    Washington Disarmament Conference
    Military conference that was called by pres Harding, attended by nine nations regarding interests in the Pacific Ocean and East Asia.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Bribery incident in the US for private oil companies at low rates without competitive bidding.
  • Fordney-Mccumber Tarriff

    Fordney-Mccumber Tarriff
    It raised american tariffs on imported goods to protect farms and factories.
  • Calvin Coolidge Became President

    Calvin Coolidge Became President
    30th president of the US, also became the gov. of Massachusetts.
  • Hoover appointed director of the Bureau of investigation

    Hoover appointed director of the Bureau of investigation
    He was instrumental in founding the FBI.
  • Immigration Act Basic Law

    Immigration Act Basic Law
    US law that limted the annual number of immagrants who could be immited from any country.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    A trial cotaining a high school teacher for disobeying The Butlers Act by teaching evolution in class.
  • Harlem Renaissance began

    Harlem Renaissance began
    A cultural movment, it included new african american expreaaiona all across american
  • NBC Founded

    NBC Founded
    This is when the National Broadcasting Headquarters was founded. It is the oldest major broadcasting network in the Us.
  • Charles Lindberg made first trans-atlantic flight

    Charles Lindberg made first trans-atlantic flight
    He made the first trans-atlantic nonstop flight from Long Island, NY to Le Bourget Field in Paris, France.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Executed

    Sacco and Vanzetti Executed
    They worked together and murdered two men during an armed robbery in a shoe store.
  • The Jazz Singer Released

    The Jazz Singer Released
    American musical film, first feature length motion picture.
  • Amelia Earhart flew solo across the Atlanticlantic

    Amelia Earhart flew solo across the Atlanticlantic
    First female aviator to fly across the Atlantic solo.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    International agreement where states promised not to use war to resolve issues.
  • St. Valentines Day Massacre

    St. Valentines Day Massacre
    The murder of seven mob related with North side Irish gang.
  • Herbert Hoovers Elected President

    Herbert Hoovers Elected President
    31st president of the US.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    most devastating stock market crash in the history of the US
  • Great Depression began

    Great Depression began
    It started witht the stock market crash on October 29th known as Black Tuesday. It had devestating effects in rich and poor countries