Roaring 20's, Depression, and WW2

  • Canceled Contracts

    Government cancels billions of dollars worth of contracts with companies that created war needed materials. Calvin Coolidge and Warren d Hardy both helped the economy bounce back after the big dip from the canceled contracts.
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    Roaring 20's, Depression, and WW2

  • Volstead Act

    Closes every bar and talon and saloon in the United States. People make their own alcohol and sell them in underground bars.
  • Roaring 20's

    More people live in cities than farms for the first time. Economy grows for America. People from coast to coast were very similar because of advertising and unity. New machines and technology is invented to make household jobs easier. First commercial radio available hit the airwaves in 1920. 3 years later there were more than 500 channels. 18th amendment banned the sale of alcohol.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th amendment guaranteed voting rights for women.
  • Automobile

    Most important thing made was the automobile. Early Ford T Model was $280. People buy with credit. Many car based industries were made like gas stations.
  • Social Conflict

    Conflict between city-dwellers and small town residents, protistence and catholics, blacks and whites, and new women and old fashioned family values.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The economy wasn't very good so people were scared to spend which forced factories to overload with products and close down. Investors begin selling shares of stocks. 12.9 million shares were traded away on the 24th of October. Black Thursday. 5 days later 16 Million more shares were traded away. That became known as Black Tuesday. Panic swept Wallstreet. Millions of shares ended up worthless. People borrow thousands from banks for stocks. Stocks and banks fail because people took all the money.
  • Franklin D Roosevelt

    1932 Franklin D Roosevelt won an overwhelming victory against Herbert Hoover for the president. Hoover became so unpopular because of his failure to deal with the depression.
  • American Unemployment

    By this time close to 15mil Americans were unemployed. Half of the countries banks had failed.
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    Story of the Great Depression

  • Social Security

    Congress passes social security act. The government takes money from your income so they take it and saves it for you.