Richard Nixon

  • Richard Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California

    Richard Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California
  • Richard's brother Arthur died.

  • Richard Nixon married Pat Ryan

    Richard Nixon married Pat Ryan
  • First daughter, Tricia is born.

    First daughter, Tricia is born.
  • Nixon gives his famous televised Checkers Speech.

  • Nixon was sworn into office as the 37th President.

    Nixon was sworn into office as the 37th President.
  • Watergate Scandal (Start date)

    Watergate Scandal (Start date)
  • Re-elected with largest mandate in American history, winning 49 out 50 states.

    Re-elected with largest mandate in American history, winning 49 out 50 states.
  • Nixon resigned from office

    Nixon resigned from office
  • Richard Nixon died.