220px carrier shokaku

Richard Connors

  • Doolittle's Raid

    Doolittle's Raid
    James H. Doolittle lead a fleet of sixteen B-25 "Mitchell" medium bombers to a planned raid on japan. Each B-25 had a 5 man crew and a decent load of bombs. The plan was to launch close to the japanese coast and rendezvous at chinese air fields.
    -U.S. Victory.
    -Ment to launch 400 miles from japan, but ended up launching 600 miles away.
    -Their were few casualties and 8 men ccaptures.
    -Embarrassed japanese.
    -Led to the Battle of Midway.
  • Coral Sea

    Coral Sea
    The Japanese were looking to strengthen their defensive positioning in the South Pacific, and decided to invade and occupy Port Moresby. Under command of Frank J. Fletcher a fleet of U.S naval ships went to counter the Japanese offensive. Sucessfully stopped Japanese expansion for the first time.
    -U.S Victory
    -May 4th - 8th.
    -U.S. Tactical loss - lost more ships.
    -U.S. Strategic victory - better positioning for future battles.
    -First sucessful opposition against Japanese expansion.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The U.S. navy defeated an Imperial Japanese Navy attack at Midway. This battle caused irreparable damage to the Japanese Navy.
    -June 4th - 7th.
    -U.S. Victory
    -Japanese Navy attacked Midway.
    -Attempt to eliminate the U.S. as a strategic power in the Pacific.
    -Put Japan in a very poor naval position in production of ships to ship loss ratio, well the U.S increased production and lowered their ship loss.
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    Battle of Guadalcanal
    The battle consisted of a series of decisive naval battles the U.S and Japanese Navy. U.S. captured an airfield on Guadalcanal on August 7th. Repeated failed attempts to recapture this led to the Battle of Guadalcanal.
    - November 12th- 15th 1942
    -U.S Victory
    -Japanese attempt to recapture an airfield.
    -Multiple failed attempts to recapture before this.
    -U.S. learned of the attack and prepared a counter to stop Japanese advances.
  • Battle of Saipan

    Battle of Saipan
    Lieutenant General Holland Smith, with his troops, defeated the 43rd division of the Japanese Army.
    -June 15th - July 9th 1944
    -U.S. Victory
    -U.S. expeditionary force made up of the U.S. 2nd and 4th marine division aswell as the 27th infantry division.
    -Japanese commanded by Lieutenant General Yoshitsugu Saito.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    The U.S. invaison of the island of Iwo Jima, capturing 3 airfields. Americans attempt to capture Japanese homeland.
    -February 19th - March 26th 1945
    -U.S. Victory
    -First attack on Japanese homeland.
    - One of the Fiercest battles in the pacific.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    U.S. attacked Okinawa planning to turn it into a base for air operations. This battle included the military, marines, and airforce. The battle lasted a total of 82 days.
    -April 1 - June 21, 1945
    -U.S.(Allied) Victory
    -Known as Operation Iceberg
    -Referred to "Typhoon of Steel".
    -Over 100,000 japanese soldiers killed.