Revolutions Timeline

  • First Continental Congress Meets

    The First Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from twelve British North American colonies that met on September 5, 1774, at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution. It was called in response to the passage of the Coercive Acts (also known as Intolerable Acts by the Colonial Americans) by the British Parliament.
  • Bill Of Rights

    Bill Of  Rights
    a transcription of the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. Called the "Bill of Rights", these amendments were ratified on December 15, 1791. Each amendment's title is linked to a set of detailed annotations presented on the Findlaw website.
  • King Louis XVI Beheaded

    King Louis XVI Beheaded
    The deposed king of France was executed on January 21, 1793, on the site of what is now the Place de la Concorde, in Paris
  • Declaration Independence Written

    Declaration  Independence Written
    A statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.
  • National Assembly Established

    It Was A was a transitional body between the Estates-General and the National Constituent Assembly.
  • Haiti Is Independent

    Haiti Is Independent
    Because It Is Most Or Very Powerful & is unique for several reasons .