
  • English bill of rights

    The Bill of Rights is an Act of the Parliament of England passed on 16 December 1689. It was a restatement in statutory form of the Declaration of Right It lays down limits on the powers of the crown and sets out the rights of Parliament and rules for freedom of speech in Parliament, the requirement for regular elections to Parliament and the right to petition the monarch without fear of retribution.These ideas about rights reflected those of the political thinker John Locke.
  • The Spirit of the Laws

    a treatise on political theory first published anonymously by Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu in 1748 with the help of Claudine Guérin de Tencin. Originally published anonymously partly because Montesquieu's works were subject to censorship. Montesquieu spent around twenty one years researching and writing The Spirit of the Laws covering many things like the law, social life, and the study of anthropology and providing more than 3,000 commendations.
  • American Revolution & Thinkers

    The Revolution generated radical changes in the principles, opinions, and sentiments of the American people. New ideas and issues affected social customs, political ideals, and gender and racial roles as the thirteen colonies evolved into the United States. Thomas Jefferson, followed the doctrines of deism, a religious outgrowth of the Enlightenment. Deists relied on the reasoning power of science rather than on faith. George Washington was a commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.
  • William Blackstone's commentaris on the laws of England

    The Commentaries on the Laws of England are an influential 18th-century treatise on the common law of England by Sir William Blackstone. The work is divided into four volumes, on the rights of persons, the rights of things, of private wrongs and of public wrongs. And may have played a role in the development of the American legal system.
  • American declaration of independence

    Was the "The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America" which announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. Instead they formed a new nation—the United States of America.
  • French Revolution

    the French Revolution began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. During this period, French citizens razed and redesigned their country’s political landscape, uprooting centuries-old institutions such as absolute monarchy and the feudal system. Like the American Revolution before it, the French Revolution was influenced by Enlightenment ideals, particularly the concepts of popular sovereignty and inalienable rights. At times was a chaotic bloodbath.
  • Spanish American wars of independence

    The Spanish American wars of independence were the numerous wars against Spanish rule in Spanish America, after the French invasion of Spain. The conflicts among these colonies and with Spain eventually resulted in a chain of newly independent countries stretching from Argentina and Chile in the south to Mexico.
  • Congress of Vienna & The Concert of Europe

    The Congress of Vienna was a conference of ambassadors of European states, the objective of the Congress was to provide a long-term peace for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. The Concert of Europe (also Vienna system of international relations), also known as the Congress System after the Congress of Vienna, was the balance of power that existed in Europe from the end of the Napoleonic Wars .