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Revolutionary war

  • The Boston Massacre

    The British killed five americans colonist and one african american whiling defending themselves.When american colonists throw rocks and other weapons at them so they fire their weapons upon the colonist .
  • The Boston Tea Party

    American colonist named the “Sons Of Liberty” are upset along with many other americans with the new tea tax.Taxing there tea and very upset with the redcoats they board ships and dump 342 crates full of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • The Continental Congres

    They met in secret because they didn't want the redcoats to know that they were united.Also it was 56 delegates from the 12 collines all except Georgia.
  • The Battle Of Lexington And Concord

    The very first shots in the revolutionary war(The Shot Heard Round The World). The American colonist slowed down the redcoats return to Boston by shooting and killing most of the redcoats.
  • The Battle Of Bunker Hill-

    Two day engagement of American colonist and the redcoats. The redcoats won this battle and killed and pushed the American colonist till they ran out of ammunition.
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    Document declaring the 13 colonies being free of the british hands. It was written by Thomas Jefferson and signed by John Hancock, John Adams, Samuel Adams.
  • The Battle Of Trenton-

    Famous victory won by Washington. It all began with “Washington crossing the Delaware” the whole army crossed the Delaware river which was frozen in places on christmas night.The battle lasted for 45 minutes and resulted in 900 Hessian prisoners.
  • The French Alliance

    The French heard about the revolutionary war and told the continental congress that they are willing to help them with the fight against Britain. They would only help if Washington started winning battles and claim territory for the war.
  • The Battle Of Yorktown

    Another famous battle and the very last battle of the revolutionary war. We won this battle by surrounding the redcoats by sea and by taking their cannons and turning them on them. The redcoats surrendered after two days of being defeated.
  • Treaty Of Paris

    The official end of the revolutionary war. It was signed by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. It declared that Britain removed all its troops and leave The United States Of America alone unless asked for help.