Revolutionary War

  • Declaration of Independence

    Thomas Jefferson and other key people at the time gathered to write this document. In this document they stated why they think it would be good for the colonists to become independent. These colonists have a right for freedom, Right for religion, speech, press, assembly, and petiton.
  • Articles of Confederation endorsed.

    Congress had the articles of confederation put of for ratification for the end of november in 1777. In december virginia was the first state to rafity the articles of confederation, all the other states came in and rafitied in 1778. The articles had to have votes from each state. After they had set up the delcaration of independence, the continental congress thought that it would be time for a national government to be set up.
  • Articles of Confederation made official

    After a couple of months the process was finally over, the articles of confederation was made official. This change helped the transformation of the colonists into living in sovereign states. The article of confederation is also know for it being the out line of the government for the united states.
  • Treaty of Paris

    This was the treaty Britain and the colonists signed after the revolutionary war. It was absically stating the colonists were officially free from British rule. This was the first document declaring America's freedom.
  • Land Ordinance

    This is a law that was passed by congress which allowed for sales of land in the northwest territory and set up standards for land sale.
  • Ordinance of Religious Freedom

    This was written by Thomas Jefferson and was passed by the virginia general assembly. This statement from Jefferson was about freedom of conscience and the principle of church and state seperation. Jefferson talkes about freedom of thought.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Daniel Shay was the leader of Shay's Rebellion, which was to prove that the government was weak. Shay and his 1200 men he had attacked a federal arsenal. Congress could only exercise its power and pass laws with 9 out of 13 states approved. Amendments could only be made if all 13 states approved.
  • Constitutional convention-Philadelphia

  • NorthWest Ordinance

  • The Great Compromise

  • Constitution is endorsed

  • Federalist papers published

  • Constitution- 9 states

    the government needed out of the 13 states to pass anything. they waited to pass the constitution until 11 states argeed on it
  • George Washington 1st president

  • War and Treasury Departments-Congress

  • Federal Judiciary Act

  • Bill of Rights

  • Secretary of state, Chief justice

  • Bill of Rights official