Revolutionary Timeline1775 - 1783

By MattM05
  • Battle of Lexington/concord

    Battle of Lexington/concord
    The first battle of the Revolutionary War, showed King George III of Britain that American mistreatment will no longer be tolerated, Inspired many more Americans to take arms and join the military
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
    First Colonial victory in the Revolutionary War, acted as a huge morale boost for the rebel army
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Even though the battle was ultimately lost by the Americans, high British casualties proved that patriotism may be able to overcome the sheer might of the British military
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Written by Thomas Paine, common sense was a pro-revolution article that greatly influenced mass amounts of Americans into taking part in this Revolutionary War
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    A document that, as the name implies, declares American Independence from British Rule. The text itself lists complains towards the King as well as American virtues and ideals to justify their revolution and separation.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    A crushing loss for the continental army, forcing the Americans to retreat all the way back to Pennsylvania. Due to this battle the British were in control of New York for the rest of the Revolutionary War
  • Washington Crosses the Delaware

    Washington Crosses the Delaware
    George Washington lead the continental army across the Delaware River into New Jersey to surprise attack the British.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Following the crossing of the Delaware River and held in the current capital of New Jersey, the Battle of Trenton was a relatively small battle but held great importance. Besides invigorating the colonial army, control over New Jersey was gained.
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    This victory, alongside the Battle of Trenton, won the colonists control over New Jersey and pushed the British back to New York. Morale became high enough that the Americans were confident they could win the war
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This battle was significant because of the French recognition it won. As a result, the colonies were given militaristic and financial support from the French
  • Period: to

    Winter at Valley Forge

    Trained by Von Steuben, after the Winter at Valley Forge the American army was reshaped into a well trained, more formidable force than before.
  • Treaty of Amity and Commerce/ Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Amity and Commerce/ Treaty of Alliance
    Officialized American trade with the French and internationally recognized the colonists' independence. Also established an alliance against Great Britain.
  • Battle of Charleston

    Battle of Charleston
    This battle won British control over the south and inflicted heavy casualties onto the American army due in great part to their surrender.
  • Battle of Springfield

    Battle of Springfield
    Ending in a colonial victory, the battle of Springfield ended any British interest in the New Jersey colony
  • Battle of Camden, SC

    Battle of Camden, SC
    The most crushing defeat for the colonists in the Revolutionary War, this is because the loss resulted in British victory over the south; it also lead to an attack on North Carolina.
  • Battle of cowpens

    Battle of cowpens
    An American victory over the British that slowed their assault towards North Carolina. British deaths are estimated near 600, while American's only around 72.
  • Battle of Kings Mountain

    Battle of Kings Mountain
    Following the invasion of Charlestown, NC, the Battle of Kings Mountain acted as a crucial victory as the first major American win following that loss. Due to the win the recruitment of British loyalists to fight against the Colonists became difficult,
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The final battle of the American Revolution ended in American victory. This battle cemented independence from the British while winning George Washington his incredible reputation as a leader.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was written upon the end of the Revolutionary War, finally putting a conclusion to the seven-year-long war. This treaty officially recognized American Independence from the British and won the colonies great Western territory.