
Revolutionary inventions

  • 440

    The printing

    The printing
    It was created by the Romans between 440 a.C and 430 a.C.
    In China 1404, Bi Sheng invented the first movil printing.
  • Phone

    The phone was invented by Antonio Meucci in 1808 - 1889.
    It was a real invention for people to comunicate.
  • The computer

    The computer
    It is an digital machine that read, and make operations to make data more useful.
    There is no official inventor.
  • Anesthesia

    It was invented in 1846 by William Morton, assistant of a doctor. This works in operations and with this, people don´t feel anything.
  • Camera

    The first camera as invented by Charles and Harambe Vincent Louis Chevalier in 1865.
    It helps people to take photos and remember some memories.
  • The light bulb

    The light bulb
    It is an invention that produce light.
    It was created by Thomas Alva Edison.
  • Ultrasounds

    It was invented in the XX century by physic P. Langevin and the doctor C.Chilowsky.
    This was invented to detect problems that wasn´t able to watch outside s this makes an ultrsound of the inside of the body.
  • The television

    The television
    It was invented by Philo Taylor Farnsworth and Vladímir Zvorykin in 1927.
    The first program in T.V was BBC in England and it works for fun of others persons.
  • The internet

    The internet
    It started in 1980 and it was invented by Donald Davies, Paul Bran and Leonard Kleinrock.
    It helps people to comunicate and gives interesting information.
  • Writing Machine

    Writing Machine
    It is an mechanic device with letters that when you press, you writes whatever you want.