Revolution/Republic Timeline

  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson Presidency

    • recognized Texas Independence
  • Start of the Texas Revolution: Battle of Gonzales

    Tensions gathered over the years resulted in the battle of Gonzales where the Texian army won against the Mexican army. Source: “Battle and Revolution.” The Alamo,
  • Siege of Béxar

    Location: Mexican Military Garrison at San Antonio de Béxar.
    The Texans seized control of the Alamo. Source: Texas State Historical Association. “Bexar, Siege Of.” Texas State Historical Association,
  • Start of Battle of the Alamo

    General Santa Anna surprised the Texian army with his troops and overpowered the army. He demanded surrender, but the Texian army refused which started the 13-day long battle. Source: Chet. “The Fight for Texas Independence.” The Daytripper, 27 Feb. 2019,
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Alamo

  • The Republic of Texas Declares Independence from Mexico

    Source: Texas* - Countries - Office of the Historian.
  • Fall of the Alamo

    Another surprise attack by General Santa Anna left the Texan army helpless and with 189 men dead. Source: Chet. “The Fight for Texas Independence.” The Daytripper, 27 Feb. 2019,
  • Goliad Massacre

    General Santa Anna ordered to execute all war prisoners of the Texian army, including Commander James Walker Fannin, Jr. and his men. Source: “Goliad Massacre.” Texas State Historical Association,
  • Battle of San Jancito

    Sam Houston and his army accomplished a surprise attack on the Mexican army with cries of "Remember the Alamo/Goliad." This was the last major battle in the Texas Revolution which led the Texan army to victory. Source: Chet. “The Fight for Texas Independence.” The Daytripper, 27 Feb. 2019,
  • Treaty of Velasco: End of Texas Revolution

    General Santa Anna was captured and he signed a treaty that Mexico would never attack Texas again and that Mexico would immediately evacuate from the new Republic. Source:
  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren Presidency

    • blocked annexation with Texas because it would add to slave territory.
  • Texas minister to the United States presents U.S. government a formal offer from the Republic of Texas to annex itself to the United States.

  • Texas Congress passes joint resolution approving of President Sam Houston's withdrawal of annexation proposal.

  • William Henry Harrison Presidency

    first president to die in office
  • Period: to

    John Tyler Presidency

  • Period: to

    James K. Polk

    • a key role in the Mexican-American War
    • annexation of Texas
  • Joint Resolution to annex Texas passes the U.S. House of Representatives.

  • U.S. Senate approves joint resolution for the admission of Texas as a state 31 to 14, 7 abstaining.

  • U.S. recognizes Texas

    James K. Polk signs the annexation bill that recognizes Texas as the 28th state. Source: “Independence and Annexation.” The Alamo,