

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Law passed to prevent colonists from setteling west of the Apalacians
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    Taxed exports like sugar, molasses, wine, and whale fins
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Taxes on anylegal documents, newspapers etc.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Required colonies to provide housing and supplies for British troops stationed in America
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    Tax on tea, glass, lead, paper and paint
  • British Troops Arrive in Boston

    British Troops Arrive in Boston
    British troops arrive in Boston in response to political unrest
  • Boston Massecure

    Boston Massecure
    A conflict in Boston where 5 colonists were killed
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Repeals all of the Townshend acts except for the tax on tea
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    When “Indians” attacked Boston and dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor in protests of taxation
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    Closed the the port of Boston ‘til the tea was paid for
    Banned committees of correspondence and limited town council meetings and the Massachusetts Colonial Assembly to just once a year
    Included a stricker Quartering act, allowing troops to be housed in private homes
    Provided for trials in Britain of British officials accused of crimes in America
    (Lasted May to June)
  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    Colonial delegates meet to organise opposition to the Intolerable Acts
  • Battle of Bunker (Breeds) Hill

    Battle of Bunker (Breeds) Hill
    The first major battle of the War of Independence
  • Decloration of Independance

    Decloration of Independance
    States the reasons the British colonies of North America wanted independence