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Revived Religion in 1950's

  • Hour of Decision radio broadcasts begin

    Hour of Decision radio broadcasts begin
    Radio broadcasts called Hour of Decision began they preached certain religions.
  • Hour of Decision television broadcasts begin over the ABC network

    Hour of Decision television broadcasts begin over the ABC network
    They began an Hour of Decision TV broadcast that also preached certain religions.
  • First appearance of Billy Graham's My Answer column, in the Pittsburgh Sun-Telegram.

    First appearance of Billy Graham's My Answer column, in the Pittsburgh Sun-Telegram.
    The column was syndicated and shown in several papers throughout the world. It was saying the answer to everything was religion.
  • Religious Metting in Berlin.

    Religious Metting in Berlin.
    Religion even made it out of the U.S. Everyone picked up a religion and began to preach it.
  • The addition of "Under God' into the Pledge of Allegiance

    The addition of "Under God' into the Pledge of Allegiance
    Another very good example of the revival of religion in the 1950's was that they added "Under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance,
  • Presidential Prayer Breakfast

    Presidential Prayer Breakfast
    The president held a breakfast that was soley based around saying a meaningful prayer.
  • Tulsa Rally

    Tulsa Rally
    There were a lot of religious rallys throughout the US. This one is an example of it.
  • Add "IN GOD WE TRUST" to money

    Add "IN GOD WE TRUST" to money
    A very good example of how Religion made a comeback is when they put "IN GOD WE TRUST" on money.
  • Martin Luther King leads in prayer at the New York Crusade

    Martin Luther King leads in prayer at the New York Crusade
    All races had a revival in religion. MLK even led a prayer in New York.
  • Conference on Evangelism

    Conference on Evangelism