Renaissance 1420-1541

By ivannal
  • 1420

    (1420) Dome of the Florence Cathedral

    (1420) Dome of the Florence Cathedral
    The Dome of the Florence Cathedral made by Filippo Brunelleschi is a product of the Renaissance Era. This structure was built to show the Gothic architecture into the Renaissance Era.
  • 1425

    (1425) Expulsion from the Garden of Eden

    (1425) Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
    This painting is a fresco painting inside the Brancacci Chapel in Florence, Italy. This painting contains Adam and Eve in distraught,
  • 1425

    (1425) Gates of Paradise

    (1425) Gates of Paradise
    The Gates of Paradise are bronze doors created by Lorenzo Ghiberti. The doors contain 10 different panels from different scenes from the Old Testament.
  • 1427

    (1427) Holy Trinity

    (1427) Holy Trinity
    The Holy Trinity is an early Renaissance fresco painting by the Italian artist Masaccio. This was painted in the Dominican Church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, Italy.
  • 1430

    (1430) David

    (1430) David
    Sculpted by Donatello, it was the first free standing sculpture and it stood out even more because the body was more feminine than compared to Michelangelo's, David sculpture.
  • 1435

    (1435) The Battle of San Romano

    (1435) The Battle of San Romano
    Three paintings created by Paolo Uccello, to represent The Battle of San Romano that took place outside of Florence in 1432.
  • 1437

    (1437) The Annunciation

    (1437) The Annunciation
    Created by Fra Angelico, is a fresco painting that can be found at the Monastery of San Marco.
  • 1455

    (1455) Flagellation of the Christ

    (1455) Flagellation of the Christ
    Influenced by Masaccio, Piero della Francesca created this oil and tempura on wood. It is located at the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche in Urbino.
  • 1459

    (1459) Procession of the Magi

    (1459) Procession of the Magi
    Influenced by the Northern Renaissance artists, Benozzo Gozzoli painted a series of fresco paintings in the chapel of Palazzo Medici. The Procession of the Magi features a lot of trees, animals, archiecture and people.
  • 1470

    (1470) St. George and the Dragon

    (1470) St. George and the Dragon
    Paolo Uccello painted the story of St. George and the Dragon with oil on canvas.
  • 1474

    (1474) St. Jerome in his Study

    (1474) St. Jerome in his Study
    A very detailed painting by Antonello da Messina of St. Jerome in his study. This painting can be seen at the National Gallery in London.
  • 1477

    (1477) La Primavera

    (1477) La Primavera
    Also known as the Allegory of Spring, this painting was commissioned by Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici. The painting shows Zephyrus, Chloris, Flora, Venus, Mercury, and the Three Graces.
  • 1480

    (1480) Lamentation over the Dead Christ

    (1480) Lamentation over the Dead Christ
    Combined elements of both Italian and Northern Renaissance styles, Andrea Mantegna painted this in 1480 and can be seen at Brera Gallery in Milan.
  • 1481

    (1481) Delivery of the Keys

    (1481) Delivery of the Keys
    A fresco painting that can be seen at the Sistine Chapel created by, Pietro Perugino. This painting shows Jesus giving the keys to the kingdom of heaven to Saint Peter.
  • 1483

    (1483) Virgin of the Rocks

    (1483) Virgin of the Rocks
    Created by famously known artist, Leonardo da Vinci. This painting contains the Virgin Mary, baby Jesus, John the Baptist, and an angel.
  • 1484

    (1484) Birth of Venus

    (1484) Birth of Venus
    A mythological painting created by Sandro Botticelli. This painting shows the Roman goddess, Venus' birth. The female nude body during this time was not seen during this time period until later.
  • 1489

    (1489) Lady with an Ermine

    (1489) Lady with an Ermine
    An oil painting form the High Renaissance portraiture and the chiaroscuro style. This painting shows a woman holding a white weasel also known as an ermine.
  • 1495

    (1495) The Last Supper

    (1495) The Last Supper
    A very famous painting created by Leonardo da Vinci showing Jesus' final meal in the New Testament. The painting shows the final moments before one of Jesus' followers betrays him.
  • 1504

    (1504) The Marriage of the Virgin

    (1504) The Marriage of the Virgin
    Inspired by Pietro Perugino, Raphael created the marriage ceremony of Mary and Joseph. He was only 21 years old when he painted this.
  • 1506

    (1506) Doni Tondo

    (1506) Doni Tondo
    Doni Tondo celebrates the marriage of Agnolo Doni with the Holy Family. The panel painting includes baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This is the only panel painting of Michelangelo that is completed.