
  • New Forms of Energy

    In the late 1800's new types of energy are discovered. Oil and electricity are the two energy that are mostly used. Thomas Edison, Lewis Latimer, George Westinghouse, and Edwin Drake are the major contributers to these energies.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Railway that extended from the Pacific and Atlantic coast.
  • Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan

    There would be pardon's; however there was a 10 percent rule that said each state can hold conventions to create new state constitutions IF 10% of the voters sworn allegiance to the Union.
  • Reconstruction begins

    After the war the government made a program that would repair the damage in the South.
  • 13 Amendment

    Abolished slavery
  • The Freedmen's Bureau

    This helped black southerner's adjust to freedom. In its short existence it gave out clothing, medical supplies, and millions of meals to war refugees. First formal education for African Americans.
  • Assassination

    President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
  • Johnson's Reconstruction Plan

    Johnson was sent into office after Lincoln's assassination. He made a plan similar to Lincoln's, but without the 10% rule. Johnson pardoned over 13,000 southerners in this year alone.
  • Black codes were made

    laws that restricted a freedman's rights
    - Curfews
    -Vagrancy laws
    -Labor Contracts
    -Land restrictions
  • Klu Klux Klan

    These members formed a secret society where they pretended to be the ghosts of the Confederate soldiers.
  • 14th Amendment

    Outlaws black codes
  • Johnson impeached

    He fired Stanton, the Secretary of War, and this was not alowed. The Senate then impeached Johnson.
  • 15th Amendment

    Cannot stop people from voting
  • Prohibition

    Prohibition Party- campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption.
  • Enforcement Act of 1870

    banned the use of terror or force to prevent people from voting because of their race.
  • John D. Rockefellaer

    Rockefeller created the Standard Oil Company. At the end of his life he contributed $500 million dollars to charity.
  • Prohibition

    Woman's Christian Temperance Union- campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption.
  • Laissez-faire

    French phrase for how businesses operated under the government regulations. At this time the government played a little role in businesses. In general people actually supported more government involvemnet in businesses.
  • The Charity Organization Movement

    The New York Charity Organization Society tried to make charity an enterprise. They also took it into their ownhands to determine who was worthy and unworthy of help.
  • Haymarket

    Groups of workers had protests that eventually led to violence between strikers and scabs. Scabs are workers that are called in to substitute for striking laborers. Violence became extreme when someone threw a bomb into a group of policemen.
  • American Federation of Labor

    Organized skilled workers into smaller unions that were devoted to a special craft. This union mainly focused on worker's wages instead of African American and women workers.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Carnegie made the Carnegie Steel Company. Another extremely succuessful business man.
  • Voting Restrictions

    Poll Tax- a fee that must be made by voters so that they could vote.
    Grandfather Clauses- These ensured that poor white men were not restricted from voting; however these clauses excluded black men who had to take the literacy test.
  • Segregation

    Segregation- this was a system that made African Americans second-class citizens.
    Jim Crow Laws- required the separation of blacks and whites in any public places. Blacks had separate facilities and were always inferior.
  • The Progressive Era

    from 1890 to 1920.
    Goals and Beliefs:
    -Government is more accountable for its citizens.
    -Government should lower the power of the wealthy.
    -Government should expand its powers to improve the life of its citizens.
    -Government should become less corrupt.
  • Homestead

    Andrew Carnegie was on leave and he had his partner Henry Frick take over for awhile. He began to cut workers' wages and strikes began to break out. An anarchist failed to assassinate Frick. The strike ended on November 20.
  • Prohibition

    Anti-Saloon League- campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption.
  • Pullman

    Pullman was firing workers and cutting their wages, but he kept the costs at the same price. This strike involved the railroad industry. It eventually got out of hand and the strikers disrupted the western railroad traffic. Federal troops were sent in and the strike ended a week later.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    This is where the idea of "separate but equal" idea came up. Homer Plessy argued about his right to the "equal protection of the laws" which was violated, but the courts ruled against him.
  • Spanish American War

    On this day the U.S.S. Maine was sunk and America immediately went to war.
  • "A Splendid Little War"

    Roosevelt led the Rough Riders in a charge up San Juan Hill. 2,500 Americans died but most of them were not killed from the fighting. Instead it was mostly food poisoning, yellow fever,malaria, and poor medical care.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Congress finally agreed to this because it was persuaded that Hawaii would be a good place for naval stations to protect the world trade.
  • Anti-Imperialism

    Opponents of the U.S. policy in the Philippines contributed to the developement of the Anti-Imperialist League. Points against imperialism:
    Moral and Political- expansionism was a rejection of the nation's idea of "liberty for all".
    Also people in territories should be able to get the same guarantees as any other U.S. citizen.
    Racial- There are some aspects of racism when imperializing another country.
    Economic- Believed that imperializing cost too much money.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Spanisih government recognized Cuba's independence. Also Spain was paid $20 million for giving up the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the U.S. They then became territories.
  • Open Door Policy

    Gives the U.S. equal access to China's millions of consumers. Many Chinese people did not agree to the foreign influence and tried to fight against it.
  • Panama Canal

    This was built to make a shorter route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
    Reactions: Many Americans approved of President Roosevelt's plan of the Canal.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    These are ideas that the U.S. did not want any more territory. However; the U.S. would intervene if the countries around it engaged in harmful activities to the U.S. or if the governments failed which would then invite stronger nations to take over. Overtime the U.S. intervened many times which then angered many Latin Americans.
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

    Purpose was to abolish segregation and discrimination, to oppose racism, and gain rights for African Americans.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company

    This is the day of the deaths of many workers during a fire. These workers were locked inside theri workroom and could not escape. This incident later leads to the reforms of many businesses and workers.
  • Beginning of WWI- Causes

    Assasination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand starts WWI.
    Military Alliances- Militarism
  • Sussex Pledge

    This is when the German government promised that U-boats would warn ships before they attacked.
  • WWI ends

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed.
    The map of Europe was redrawn.
    Germany must supply reparations
  • Paris Peace Conference

    International peace conference that occured in Paris.
  • Red Scare

    Intense fear of communism and other politically radical ideas. Many cases were made that involved Americans fear of Communism and some people were actually executed such as Sacco and Vanzetti.
  • League of Nations

    Organization where nations of the world would get together to keep peace and security for all the members.
  • 19th Amendment

    This is when women got the right to vote.
  • Revolution of Manners and Morals

    -flappers: new type of young woman (more of a convenience)
    -working: even though women were able to work more many of them did not. (businesses were still prejudice to women)
    -voting: women could now vote for whom ever they wanted to, but not many women went out to vote.
  • Stock Market Crash

    prices got bigger while wages stayed the same.
    overproduction of food.
    fewer people were employed.
    Credit and debts
  • Hoovervilles

    shelters of the homeless that mocked the president. (blamed him for not fixing the crisis)
  • Dust Bowl (1931-1940)

    Dried soild that blew out of the central and southern Great Plains. Farming practices and droughts were factors in the Dust Bowl
  • Affects of the Crash

    Risky loans- some businesses could not pay back their loans
    Consumer Borrowing- people could not pay back the money they owed
    Bank runs- people wanted their money back, but the banks did not have that money.
    bank failures- banks eventually fell and people lost their money.
    savings wiped out- all the money that people had put in the banks were gone.
    cuts in production- people did not have enough money to but things and businesses suffered.
    rise in unemployment- people could no longer be paid.
  • New Deal - franklin Delano Roosevelt

    Stabilizing Financial Institutions
    Providing Relief and Creating Jobs
    Regulating the Economy
    Assisting Homeowners and Farmers
  • Second New Deal

    New and Expanded Agencies
    Rural Electrification
    New Labor Legislation
    Social Security
  • Hitler- Rhineland

    Invaded the Rhinelands and took it.
  • Court-Packing Fiasco

    FDR proposed having up to 6 additional justices, for every justice over 70. This was for himt o have more supporters of the New Deal. Ended up getting a bigger that supported him.
  • Hitler- Austria

    took over Austria (no force)
  • Appeasement

    Giving in to a competitor's demands in order to keep peace. Hitler agreed- lied through his teeth.
  • Kristallnacht

    "Night of the Broken Glass"
  • Hitler- Czechoslovakia

    took over without force
  • Holocaust

    Jews, homosexuals, Jehovahs' Witnesses, Gypsies, homeless, and disabled were persecuted and were also in concentration camps.
    Murder to genocide
  • Hitler- Pact with Stalin

    They split up Eastern Europe between Germany and the Soviet Union
  • Hitler- Invades Poland

    Britain and France declare war 2 days later
  • WWII

    Treaty of Versailles
    Germans Jobless (Depression)
    Splitting of Germany (East and West)
  • Hitler- France

    France surrenders when the Nazi's invade Paris
  • Battle of Britain 1940-1941

    Germany is defeated- first loss
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor 2400 AMericans were killed.
    Next day Roosevelt declares war. On December 11 Germany and Italy declared war on America.
  • Japenese Internment

    Military zones with Japenese Americans
  • Battle of Midway

    Japenese bomber attacks
    American victory
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    The cold of Russia stopped the Germans from continuing. Soviets lost many soldiers.
  • D-Day

    Invasion of western Europe
    Heavy casualties
  • Battle of the Bulge (1944-1945)

    A "bulge" that formed at the Allied line.
    More Nazi leaders recognized that the war was lost.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Mt. Surabachi
  • Battle of Okinawa (April - June)

    Banzai charges- attacks where soldiers tried to kill as many soldiers as possible until they themselves were killed
    Kamikaze attacks- planes flew into anything to destroy as many people as possible.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Hitler committed suicide on April 30.
  • Manhattan Project

    Building an atomic bomb.
    Decisions before dropping:
    -massive invasion of Japan
    -naval blockade to starve Japan
    -demonstration of the weapon
    -softening the Allied demands
  • Potsdam Conference

    Truman meets with Stalin about the future of Germany and Poland
  • Japan surrenders

    bomb dropped on Hiroshima and then Nagasaki
  • Nuremberg Trials

    24 defendants and half were sentenced to death.
    Many said "I was just following orders"
  • Trumane Doctrine

    Policy that would guide the Americans actions in the war.
  • Marshall Plan

    Soviet Unions response to the Trumine Doctrine and about supporting communism.
  • Korean War

    North Korean troops went across the 38th parallel.
    Ended with a stalemate, but the U.S. did keep North Korea (communist) out of South Korea (democracy)
  • Malcom X Before and After

    Before: Joined the Nation of Islam
    After: Changed views on separatism. February 1965- shot and killed
  • Growth of Nuclear Weapons

    Deterrence- making military power strong so that no enemies would even think about attacking.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    "Separate but equal" doctrine said to be unconstitutional and cannot be applied to public education.
  • Domino Theory

    Eisenhower - the fear that if one Southeat Asian country fell to Communists, then the others would also fall.
  • Geneva Accords

    Vietnam divided into 2 separate nations. (17th parallel)
    Communist- North
    anti-Communist- South
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    African AMericans refuse to use the entire bus system until the bus systems agreed to change the segregation policy.
  • Sputnik

    first artificial satellite to orbit Earth.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    Martin Luther King, Jr. and other African Americans began this civil rights organization
  • Resistance in Little Rock

    Integration in schools
    National Guard troops were brought in.
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    U.S. response to Sputnik
    agency for space exploration (NASA)
  • U-2 Incident

    Soviets guided missile that shot down an American U-2 spy plane that was over Soviet territory.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

    Bringing students into the fight for non-segregation
  • Bay of Pigs

    CIA trained Cuban exiles to invade Cuba
    Kennedy accepted defeat.
  • Freedom Rides

    CORE and SNCC organized a group to carry out the Supreme Court ruling about the bus rides to see how people would react.
  • Berlin Crisis

    Rekindled Tensions over Germany
    Kennedy Takes Action- speech at the Berlin Wall
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Kennedy's options:
    further negotiations with Khrushchev
    invade Cuba
    Blockade Cuba
    Bomb missile sites
  • Limited Test Ban Treaty

    Banned nuclear testing above the ground
  • March on Washington

    People from all over the country came to call for "jobs and freedom".
    "I have a Dream..." speech
  • Kennedy assassination

    shot by Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Warren Commission

    determining facts about the assassination
  • Vietnam War (1964-1975)

    Ho Chi Minh
    Pulled out of the war and Vietnam fell to communism
  • Gulf of Tonkin REsolution

    Congress gave authority to Johnson to take almost complete control over what the U.S. did in Vietnam.
  • Immigration Act of 1965

    Limited the number of immigrants coming into the Western Hemisphere.
  • Black Panthers

    Wanted African Americans to lead their own communities
    Combat police brutality.
  • Tet Offensive

    surprise attacks on major cities and towns and American military bases throughout South Vietnam
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination

    shot at his motel
  • Robert F. Kennedy assassination

    shot in a kitchen
  • Salt I

    5 year agreement that froze the number of intercontinental missiles and submarine missiles.
    Restricteed the developement and use of missile defense systems
  • Watergate Scandal

    Part of the planning of the break-in and robbery of the Watergate building. Also the cover-up.
  • Nixon resigns

    1st to resign as a president
  • Helsinki Accords

    U.S., Canada, the Soviets, and 30 European countries agreed to cooperate economically, respect national boundries, and promote human rights.
  • Camp David Accords

    Israel would withdraw from the Sinai peninsula. Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel as a country.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

    More commonly known as "Star Wars".
    This was a way to protect American territory from nuclear attack.
  • Tiananmen Square

    Protestor camps that were attacked by the government- many people were executed
  • Berlin Wall Goes Down

    East Germany finally opens its' borders and the people take down the wall.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Limited military operation that drove out Iraqi forces from Kuwait.
  • The Balkans

    "ethnic cleansing" of non-Serbs by Bosnian Serbs.
    1999 sides were threatened by the U.S. and NATO to stop and have peace talks.
  • Northh American Free Trade Agreement

    NAFTA- gradual removal of trade restrictions between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
  • Peace Agreement

    PLO Yasir Arafat and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin had a peace agreement in Washington D.C.
  • War in Afghanistan (2001-present)

    Stopping terrorists (al-Qaeda)
  • September 11, 2001

    Twin Towers
    Field near Shanksville, PA
    "essay- causes, results"
  • Homeland Security Act

    New Department of Homeland Security that would do intelligence gathering, researching new ways to protect Americans, enhancing security, and coordinating emergency responses to attacks that are made on America.
  • Iraq War (2003-2011)

    The search and destruction of weapons of mass destruction
    stopping terrorists.
  • Stock Crash

    Housing Market crashed
  • Platt Amendment

    The Cuban government could not enter any type of foreign agreement and they must let the U.S. establish naval bases and the right to intervene whenever necessary. The agreement ended in 1934.