American History

  • The Bicycle was Invented

    The invention of the bicycle helped change women's fashion. It allowed women to wear pants instead or corsets. If they were to wear corsets they wouldn't be able to breathe because they were so tight. Women also could wear split skirts.
  • The First Women were Enrolled to College

    Women were not given equal rights as men. They fought long and hard for equality. They were mainly told to cook, clean, and take care of their husbands, and live lives that aren't their own. The first generation of women were finally about to go to college to live a life they want to live. To be something more than a man's wife.
  • The First Macy's was Built

    In the 1850's, there were different stores for every product. If you wanted a hat, you had to go to hat store, if you wanted shoes, you had to go to a specific shoe store. You had to make multiple stops just to get a couple things. It wasn't convenient whatsoever. Macy's is a Department store which made it so much easier for people to go shopping because there was more of a variety on what they were able to buy at one place.
  • Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

    Pardon to all the but the highest ranking military and civilian Confederate officers, when 10% of the voting population in the 1860 election had taken an oath of loyalty and established a government, it would be recognized.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    This war was caused by the Cheyenne raiding on wagon trains and settlements. During this war, the governor took advantage the peace campaign by the Black Kettle. There were about five hundred people that were slaughtered during this time.
  • 13th Amendment was Ratified

    This amendment stated that neither slavery not involuntary servitude, except punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
  • Freedman's Bureau Began

    The Freedman's Bureau was a bureau made of refugees, freedman, and abandoned land. It was established by Congress to help millions of former African American slaves and poor whites in the South that survived the aftermath of the Civil War. The Freedman's Bureau provided food, water, shelter, medical aid, established education, and legal assistance.
  • President Andrew Johnson Attempts to Veto the Reconstruction Acts

    President Johnson tried to veto the Reconstruction Acts. He was overrode by the Senator so this action wasn't successful. President Johnson attempted to make this action because he considered the Reconstruction Acts as unconstitutional. He thought that it was denying the states of a legal government and therefore didn't provide the states the protection of rights and property.
  • Caucasians were Able to Vote through the Grandfather Clause

    The grandfather clause was created to help poor, illiterate, white people to vote. This clause stated that if a voter's father or grandfather was about to vote, you did not have to take the literacy test. This helped out white people, but not freedman.
  • The U.S. Agrees to Buy Alaska

    At first, the Americans thought that Alaska was a wasteland. They thought it was just a freezing, dumb state that didn't have much to offer. They were certainly wrong. Alaska was rich in timber, oil, gold, and copper.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad was Built

    The transcontinental railroad was built by the Central Pacific Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad and was used to link the San Fransisco Bay at Alameda, California, with the nation's existing easter railroad network at Council Bluffs, Iowa/Omaha, and Nebraska. This created a much easier way to do transportation. Before, it was very dangerous, expensive, and time consuming to travel.
  • Battle of Bighorn of 1876

    This was a battle that was caused by the discovery of gold in the Sioux Black Hills. Custer gathered all the Indians and Sioux leader Sitting Bull refused to move and gathered Sioux and Cheyenne warriors at Little Bighorn River where they were joined by Chief crazy horse and his followers.
  • Chief Joseph Surrendered

    Chief and the Nez Perce led his people in an attempt to resist the takeover of their lands in the Oregon Territory by White settlers. The Nez Perce was told to go to Idaho to go this reservation that was there and Chief Joseph at first agreed, but then some of his men were killed and he decided to attempt to flee to Canada. During this journey he fought many battles with his fellow men. Then, he was tired of fighting and decided to surrender.
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act was Approved

    The Chinese Exclusion Act was used to restrict immigrants from coming to the United States. This law provided a 10- year moratorium on Chinese labor immigration. People began to have xenophobia which basically the fear of something new and new people that aren't like. They weren't use to the diversity and weren't comfortable about it.
  • The Gospel of Wealth was Written

    The whole concept and idea of the Gospel of Wealth was created by Andrew Carnegie. He was a self-made millionaire. His idea and concept of the Gospel of Wealth was to help people old without receiving charity. It was giving a perfect opportunity for the people that have money to give people that aren't as fortunate as him money to help them out.
  • The Sinking of the USS Maine

    The sinking of the USS Maine was the spark that began The Spanish-American War. President McKinley sent to Cuba to protect American citizens and property. It blew up in Havana, Cuba and the Americas believed that Cubans and instantly blamed them. After it was analyzed that hull blew out and not in.
  • Annie Moore was the First Immigrant to Come to Ellis Island

    Ellis Island was a place for immigrants to get more opportunities for a better life. People from all around the world wanted to go there and it was very detailed and long process to get there. If you were to pass all the tests that were given, you were able to go to Ellis Island. Annie was the first person to go through this complex process and go to Ellis Island.
  • The Spanish-American War Began

    The Spanish- American began due to conflict with the Americans and the Cubans. This war took place in the Philippines, Cuba, and The United States of American. America began to have interest in Cuba to protect their economic interests. Then "The Yellow Jacket" began to make comics that made it seem like Cuba was blood thirsty and tension began.
  • The Battle of San Juan Hill

    This battle was led by Theodore Roosevelt with a group called the Rough Riders. It was a decisive battle during the Spanish-American War. Roosevelt and his men won this battle which led to the surrender of Santiago on July 17, 1898 which also led to the end of hostilities.
  • Theodore Roosevelt became President

    At the time, Roosevelt was the youngest President at the age of forty-two. He became president because President William McKinley was assassinated. He established himself as a modern president who could influence media and shape legislation.
  • The First Subway Opened Underground

    In late 1850's transportation was convenient for most people. It was very time consuming for people to get to the places they needed to go. Some people weren't as wealthy as others so not every had a car so some people had to go on foot. The inventing of the underground made it much faster for people to get to places.
  • The NAACP was Formed

    Around this time period, things were still not equal between the races. This group was predominately black people. The goal of this group was to get rights and equality for all races through the court system
  • The Sinking of the Lusitania

    The sinking of the Lusitania was caused by a German torpedo off the Irish coast. There were 1200 passengers and crew member that died. They were innocent civilians.This was an important even. This was one of the few events that caused America to enter the war and turn the tide in favor of the Allies.
  • The United States of America Enters World War I

    The Americans didn't want to be apart of the war. As a matter of fact, they isolated themselves from the war completely. As time progressed, the Americans were slowly getting attacked. Britain blockaded all German ships to America. They resumed the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.
  • The 19th Amendment was Ratified

    The 19th amendment allowed women to vote. This was a huge deal in America. Women barely were given any opportunity to do anything but work and clean. They were basically a slave to their husbands and their families. They were supposed to create their own destiny, theirs was already made for them. Allowing women to vote is the first step to letting them create their own destiny.
  • Women were Given the Right to Vote

    Women were given many rights. They were belittled by men and weren't able to do basically anything. Men were the only people that could vote. All women could do and do whatever their husbands told them to do and work in the house. It was a terrible time but women fought and fought for equal rights and they achieved their goal.
  • Hyper-Inflation in Germany

    This event was caused due to the internal causes such as Germany's government policies and the external causes such as the Treaty of Versailles, demanding Germany to pay reparations. The Germans were not able to sufficiently pay the reparations and in turn Frown and Belgian troops occupied the German Ruhr territory, one Germany's Major industrial area.
  • The Scopes Trial

    In March 1925, there was a law passed in Tennessee that is was a crime to teach evolution. John Scopes did not follow this law. He had to go to court and the ACLU hired Clarence Darrow to defend him. Clarence Darrow was the most famous trial lawyer of the era. It was Darrow against William Jennings Bryan, the three-time Democratic presidential nominee and he was representing the state. Scopes was convicted and fined $100 and the law remained.
  • The Court-Packing Plan was Created

    Roosevelt wanted to appoint new judges and expand the Supreme Court by six judges since some of his New Deal programs were ruled unconstitutional. He really aired changes were need to be made to make things more efficient. This plan was unsuccessful and did not pass.
  • Charles Lindbergh Took Flight

    Charles Lindberg flew the Spirit of St. Louis on a solo flight across the Atlantic from Long Island to France. This flight took thirty-three hours.
  • The Stock Market Crashed

    Many people think that the crash of the Stock Marker is the cause of the Great Depression, but this not true. It was a mere symptom. During this event, over sixteen million shares sold in massive selling frenzy. The losses exceeded twenty-six billion dollars.
  • Period: to

    The Dust Bowl

    In the 1930's the Great Plains suffered form severe, deadly dust storms. This was caused by overgrazing cattle and plowing by farmers which destroyed the grasses that once held down tot he soil. The loose soil, a drought, and high winds are what really started things up
  • Smoot Hawley Tariff was Appealed

    This act increased 900 import tariff by an average of forty to forty-eight percent. Most economist blame it to worsen the Great Depression. It failed tremendously and didn't help whatsoever. It also contributed to the start of World War II.
  • Colored Water Fountains were Built

    Around this time period, there was segregation between the different races; black and white. The were segregated at schools, restaurants, restrooms, transportation, and etc. The were basically never to cross paths. The white people were "superior" to the black people so they were given better and more opportunities than the black people were given. They weren't even to drink in same drinking fountain.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    This battle was caused by Hitler wanting to prevent food and war supplies from reaching Britain and the USSR from America's east coast. To do so, he ordered submarine raid on US ships on the Atlantic. Germany sank about 87 US ships throughout the first four months of 1942. This was the dominating factor all through the war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attack on US navy at Pearl Harbor which brings the USA into the war against Japan and Germany. There was no warning for this strike caused by Japanese Navy Air Services. They wanted to cripple America enough so they don't fight back. They believed their whole Pacific fleet would be in Pearl Harbor and it ended up not being the case.
  • D-Day

    The largest land-sea-air operation in military history. This was also know as "Operation Overlord". The German retaliation was brutal, especially at Omaha Beach. Throughout the span of about a month, the Allies landed about one million troop, about six-hundred tons go supplies, and one hundred seventy thousand vehicles.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    This battle was raged for a month and this caused the Germans to be pushed back. Not too much changed after this battle but the Germans definitely had heavy losses.At the battle, the Nazis had nothing to do but retreat. This battle was caused by Hitler's response to the Germans being captured by American in October. He wanted to break through the Allied line and break up Allied supply lines.
  • The Battle of Iwo Jima

    This battle was the first major battle of WWII that was in the Japanese homeland island Iwo Jima. Iwo was critical to the Allies as a base for an attack on Japan. It was called the most heavily defended spot on earth. There were a lot of casualties in this battle.
  • V-E Day

    This is known as the Victory in Europe Day. General Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich. This meant that after years, the war was finally over. Everyone in Europe was rejoicing and felt like a weight was lifted from their shoulders.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    Was used as a recovery plan designed by the U.S. to help aid Western Europe after WWII. It provide over fifteen billion dollars to help rebuild what destroyed and get that part of Europe get back on their feet.
  • Blockage of Berlin

    Blockage of Berlin
    One of the first major international crises of the Cold War. During the multinational occupation of pos- WWII Germany, the Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under Western control
  • Korean Armistice Agreement

    Korean Armistice Agreement
    Ended all of the fighting of the Korean War on both sides of Korea after they've been fighting for years.
  • Dien Bien Phu

    Dien Bien Phu
    A climatic confrontation of the First Indochina War. Its as fought between the French Union's French Far East Expeditionary Corps and Viet Minh communist revolutions.
  • Sputnik I Launched

    Sputnik I Launched
    His changed when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I, the first craft to ever go into space. Also the world's first artificial satellite was about the size of beach ball weighed only 83.6 kg or 183.9 lbs and took bout 98 minutes to orbit
  • Golf of Tonkin

    Golf of Tonkin
    An international confrontation that led to to the United States becoming directly in the War. It was an international wake up and caused the Golf of Tonkin Resolution and escalation in the Vietnam War
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    A coordinated series of North Vietnamese attacks on a little over on hundreds cities and outposts in South Vietnam. It was an attempt to foment rebellion among the South Vietnamese population and courage the US the fall back a little bit in the war.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    Probably the most horrific act of violence in the Vietnam War. Hundreds of men, women, children, and elderly that were unarmed were killed by American troops. They were absolutely helpless.
  • America Pulls out of the Vietnam War

    America Pulls out of the Vietnam War
    The Paris Peace Accords of January 1973 stated that the U.S. forces were to be withdrawn from the war and the Case Church Amendment officially ended the contribution of American troops in the Vietnam War. It was an impossible war for them to win.
  • The Christian Women's Temperance Union was Formed

    There were a lot of people that though alcohol wasn't good and that it would clean up people's behavior. The goal of this union was to help the government take control of people's actions. They thought that banning alcohol would improve the society and culture tremendously.