
Ratification of Constitution

  • The First Continental

    The First Continental
    Delegates from all of the colonies except for Georgia came together to discuss about Britain's policies. They talked about the new laws that Britain had just put on them and how unfair they were to everyone
  • Period: to

    Ratifying the Constitution

  • The Revolutionary war begins

    The Revolutionary war begins
    This was the war of the British and the 13 colonies for a fight for our independence as a country.
  • The Declaration of Independence was written

    The Declaration of Independence was written
    This document was written to insure our independence from Britain. The Declaration of Independence basically made our country.
  • Articles of Confederation was approved

    Articles of Confederation was approved
    This document was the United States' first ever constitution. The Articles of Confederation had it so the government had litte power and the states had its own government
  • Revolutionary war ended

    Revolutionary war ended
    The Revolutionary war technically ended in October of 1781. The war actually ended by the signing of the Treaty of Paris which was signed to end the war.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    This was a battle of many angry farmers because of the economy being so bad after the war. They almost burnt down the courthouse and this made it so everybody knew that government had a lack of power and that they should have more power.
  • George Washington became president

    George Washington became president
    When George Washington became president this showed that we were becoming an independent country and we were beginning to function like a normal country.
  • Constitution ratified

    Constitution ratified
    The Constitution was finally ratified by all the states on this date. Rhode Island was the final colony to approve the Constitution. The Constitution said that we are all equal and is still used today for our laws and equality.