Quarter 4 timeline

By ColePre
  • British Empire claims India (Imperialism)

    India was the only country to be absolutly controlled by the British Empire. Unlike other countries, they had no free government.
  • Ethiopia (Imperialism)

    Ethiopia is the only African country to fight off European imperialists. Emperor Menelik II, the leader of Ethiopia, managed to manipulate the countries against each other in order to stall for time. Then, once he had stockpilied enough weapons, he was abel to fight off the imperialists
  • Suez canal (Imperialism)

    Connects the red sea with the Mediterranean, and controlled by Britian when they invaded Egypt
  • Italy claims Rome (Imperialism)

    Italy invades Rome and makes it its capital
  • Friedrich Nietzche (Age of Anxiety)

    Believed god was dead- murdered by lackadasical modern Christians who no longer really believe in him.
  • Berlin Conference (Imperialism)

    European powers came together to discuss the seperation of their various claims in Africa. Divided up Africa, without Africans
  • Spain claims Sahara (Imperialism)

    Spain begins to claim Africa as well, taking territory in Western Sahara
  • Hundered days reform (Imperialism)

    China's response to the attempts to control China by European forces. This reform saved China from a fate similiar to Africa, but led to Western style republic.
  • The Philippines (Imperialism)

    The Philippines was conquered by the United States, and suppressed when they attempted to gain freedom.
  • Boer War (Imperialism)

    War fought between Britian and Boers (Dutch settlers) in south Africa over land that was rich in diamonds and gold.
  • Francis Ferdinand assinated (WWI)

    The archduke of Austria is assainated, sparking tensions in Serbia among other countries. Considered to be "The spark that kindled the world war"
  • Austria + Russia (WWI)

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia and Serbia declares war on Germany.
  • USA maintains neutrality (WWI)

    President Woodrow Welson says that US will remain neutral in the war
  • UK blockade (WWI)

    United Kingdom decalres the North sea a military war zone, blocking goods from being transported to Germany
  • First Zepplin raid (WWI)

    Germany bombs Britian via air raids in an unsuccessful attempt to demoralize Britian
  • Battle of Somme (WWI)

    Tanks are used for the first time, and this battle is fought on France soil and results in victory for the allies
  • Lloyd George becomes British prime minister (WWI)

    Lloyd George is an important factor in world politics for the next few years.
  • Zimmerman Telegram (WWI)

    Germany attempts to send a secret message to convince Mexico to join the war, however it is intercepted and decoded by British spies, and published in America.
  • Treaty of Versailles (WWI)

    United States, Great Britian, France and Italy were the big 4 at the ccnfrence. The powers wre quarelling over priorities, and how severly to deal with Germany, who was blamed for the war.
  • Dadaism (Age Of Anxiety)

    Rejected all forms of rational art, and instead created completely illogical things. Led to surrealism.
  • Georges Sorel (Age of Anxiety)

    Believed Socialism would soon rise, which would cause a violent strike of the working class. This predicted the Boshevik Revolution.
  • Logical Empiricism (Age of Anxiety)

    Rejected most of the concerns of traditional philosophy, from the existence of God to the meaning of happiness, as nonsense and hot air, Began with Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Mussolini becomess dictator (WWII)

    Mussolini and his supporters march on Rome and threaten him into granting him dictoral powers for a year
  • Lenin dies (WWII)

    Lenin dies, leaving the ruthless Stalin
  • Surrealism (Age Of Anxiety)

    Painted a fantastic world of wild dreams and complex symbols. Salvador Dali was a famous artist of this medium
  • Bauhaus (Age of Anxiety)

    Walter Gropius creates a school called the Bauhaus that brought modern architects, designers and thatrical innovaters together to create masterpieces
  • Hitler (WWII)

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
  • Reichstag (WWII)

    The Reichstag building, seat of the German government, burns after being set on fire by Nazis. This enabled Adolf Hitler to seize power under the pretext of protecting the nation from threats to its security.
  • Enabling act (WWII)

    Enabling acts gave Adolf Hitler almost unlimited power for four years. Hitler used this to outlaw the Communist party
  • Adolf Hitler (WWII)

    Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany
  • Nuremberg Laws (WWII)

    Deprived Jews of their citizenship, and was the begining of extreme racial segregration to Jews.
  • Great Deppression (Age of Anxiety)

    The Great Depression was an economic slump in North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. It was the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by the industrialized Western world.
  • Falling water (Age of anxiety)

    Frank Lloyd Wright builds, arguably his most famous work, Falling Water. This masterpiece combines modern architecture with traditional styles.
  • Freudian Psychology (Age on Anxiety)

    Sigmund Freud discovers the unconcious part of the mind, and starts the branch of neurology known as psycology
  • D-Day (WWII)

    Allied troops land on France's coast, begining an offensive against Germany
  • End of (WWII)

    Troops cross the Rhine and enter Germany.
    Hitler commits suicide, ending the war.
  • Roosevelt dies (Cold War)

    Roosevelt dies, replaced by Truman. Truman has a much more aggressive stance towards Soviet Russia than Roosevelt, who was more peacful with Soviet relations.
  • Truman Doctrine (Cold war)

    Aimed at limiting Communism to countries occupied by the Red army and "contain" the spread.
  • Marshall Plan (Cold war)

    American plan that provided financial aid to European countires so that they could rebuild. Stalin refused the Marshall plan for all of Eastern Europe.
  • NATO and Warsaw Pact created (Cold war)

    Divided Europe into two blocs, both controlled by the only super powers left in the world, Russia and America.
  • Missle Crisis (Cold War)

    The Cuban Missle Crisis was a 13-day confrontation in October 1962 between the United States and the Soviet Union over Soviet ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba.
  • Tiananmen Square (Cold War)

    Led by university students, over one million Chinese in Tiananmen Square demand reforms by the Chinese Communist government.