Public Education History

  • Old Deluder Satan Act

    The Old Deluder Satan Act was one of the first education acts passed in America. It required that towns including 50 families or more must have an elementary school where children must be taught reading, writing, and the bible. Town including 100 families or more must have grammar schools where students were taught Latin and Greek. This influenced the history of teaching by instilling the ideas that children must learn how to read and write, which is the framework for learning anything else.
  • Creation of the First State Board of Education

    The First State Board of Education (in Massachusetts) was in charge of both interpreting and implementing laws that were relevant to public education. Their responsibilities included submitting budget requests for schools and setting standards for teacher certification. This was an important step because it provided a basis for public education funding. It also helped by implementing the idea that and educator should be certified before they are allowed to teach.
  • Foundation of the First Normal School

    This was the foundation of the first normal school, a state-funded post-secondary institution, in Massachusetts. This is an important step in the history of public education because it provided a way and place for teachers to become educated on how to teach.
  • Morrill Act

    Also known as the Land Grant College Act, the Morrill Act was passed to create institutions in every state for education in the areas of agriculture, home economics, and mechanical arts. This was an important step because it was created with the idea in mind that education should be available to people of all social classes.
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

    This decision ended the ability for schools to segregate based on race. This was a very important step toward everyone being treated equally, especially in terms of education.
  • President Johnson's Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    This act allocated special funds for education for native americans. This was another important step towards providing equal access to and equal education for all people regardless of their differences.
  • Title 9

    A part of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title 9 prohibits denial of any type of educational program of activity on the basis of sex. This was yet another step toward equal opportunity to all people in terms of education.
  • Women's Educational Equity Act of 1974

    This act provided funding for schools to use toward model programs, training, and research aimed towards women. This helped to lessen the gap in education between men and women.
  • National Commission on Exellence in Education

    They wrote A Nation at Risk, which documented the history of education since its beginning in the colonial days. Knowing the history of a profession is an important piece of working to develop it even further. Proof of this is how far the world of education has come since the writing of A Nation at Risk thirty years ago.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    This founded the creation of standards-based education. The reasoning was the belief that setting measureable standards would improve the outcome of education for each individual student. This was an important step in making sure that students are actually being educated while in the classroom. Although it has stirred up a lot of controversy in recent years, it was still an important step in the history of education.