Progression of U.S. Involvement in WWII Timeline

  • Formation of the Axis Powers

    Formation of the Axis Powers
    Facist countries officially join together by signing Tripartite Act. "Germany, Italy, and Japan" Now called the axis powers. This alliance was formed to keep the U.S. out. These countries will now officially be the enimies of the U.S. if they join the war.
  • The Lend-Lease Plan

    The Lend-Lease Plan
    The U.S. president lended or leased arms and other supplies to countries whose defense was important to the United States. He asserted that it was the only sensilbe thing to do. Isolationists argued against the plan but many Americans supported it so in March of 1941 Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act.
  • The Support of Stalin

    The Support of Stalin
    Disregarding the fact the United States and the Soviet Union don't agree on some standpoints the U.S. decides to support/help Russia to prevent Hitler from taking over the whole western area, because Hitler broke the agreement.
  • Signing of the Atlantic Charter

    Signing of the Atlantic Charter
    A meeting took place between Winston Churchill and FDR aboard the USS AUGUSTA to discuss the war in Europe and possible U.S. committment . The meeting rresulted in the signing of The Atlantic Charter which was a joint delclaration of war aims/goals. Those goals included collective security, disarmament, self-determination, economic cooperation, and freedom of the seas. The United States is starting to pick sides.
  • Shoot-on-sight policy

    Shoot-on-sight policy
    Germans sank the USS Greer sunk so President Roosevelt granted the Navy permission to shoot any German U-boats that came into sight in self-defense.
  • Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japanese dive-bomber dropped a bomb on the largest U.S. naval base. They atacked us do to the fact that we stopped oil embargo with them and stopped them from getting Eastern Dominance. Over 2,000 people died and 1,00 injured. "Infamy" The United States officially joins the war. *End of Isolationism