Progress of the American Dream

  • Revoluntary War

    Revoluntary War
    We fought against Britian to gain our freedom and Inpendence, the beginning of the American Dream starting
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration was created after the Articles of Conferderation failed with no balance between the people and the government
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights was created to protect the rights of the citizens, including their natural rights
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    THe US purchases the French territory expanding the country greatly and giving more space to live for the American people
  • Expansion and Manifest Destiny

    Expansion and Manifest Destiny
    Americans became moving West and settling in the land that had once belong to the Native Americans. It was used to justify the actions of violence of the government
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    Gaining new territory and shwoing that the government would resort to violence to continue the expansion of our dream
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The war showed the different ideals of the North and South
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln issued the law during the war, freeing the slaves, but keeping the seperate from the whites.
  • The Statue of Liberty

    The Statue of Liberty
    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
    Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
  • Industrialization

    It grasps the nation as cities begin to flourish and skyscrapers appear in the herizon
  • Unions

    Unions began to form to defend the rights of workers who were working long hours with very little pay
  • Immigrantion

    Many from all over Europe begin to come to America in hope for the Golden Lands that they had heard about in their home lands
  • Nativism

    Americans were becoming increasingly angry with the amount of immigrates coming into the country taking their jobs and lands
  • The Great Migration (African Americans)

    The Great Migration (African Americans)
    6 million African Americans migrated from the South to the North during the war to such for better jobs and hopefully more equality but they quickly learn that whites in the North do not recieve them much better than those in the South
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    A war sparked in Eastern Europe which ended up dragging what seemed like the entire world into it. America tried to remain neutral, but took action when the Lusitania was sunk by German U-boats and the Zimmerman Note was found, stating that our president was a coward
  • The War is over

    The War is over
    The War ends and soliders come home damaged by the horrors of the war with no jobs and a government that has turned their back of their soliders
  • Wilson's 14 Points

    Wilson's 14 Points
    Wilson tried to help Europe and the world heal by offering the idea of placing the blame on no one and instead rebuilding what was lost in a faishon similar to what President Lincoln spoke of after the Civil War
  • The Roaring 20's

    The Roaring 20's
    The Roaring 20's hit after the end of the war along with prohabition which in turn lead to gangs and the Mafia (Al Capone). The violence and crime increased. A main event of prohabtion was the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    Henry Ford began to use the assembly line to increase productivity of his new car so it would be cheap enough for everyone to have their own
  • Women's Suffrage

    Women's Suffrage
    Women in American finally gain their right to vote through the 19th Amendment after many years of fighting for it
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression devastes the country with the crash of the stock market causing many to lose everything; their jobs, homes, and families. Many left their homes to wander the country, looking for any place that was possibly better.
  • FDR's New Deal

    FDR's New Deal
    The relief system during the Great Depression while focusing on recovery relief and reform.
  • The Hoover Dam

    The Hoover Dam
    President Franklin Roosevelt issued the constration of the Hoover Dam, helping to give jobs to thousands
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    World War 2 begins with the rise of Nazi Germany's leader Adolf Hitler, helping to pull the US out of it's depression and giving to many with the new demand for weapons, but the US remains out of the war
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese bombers attack the naval ships stationed at Pearl Harbor, killing over 2000 soliders and injurying another 1000. The country went into an uproar, screaming for revenge and the defense of liberty. The United States delcares war on Japan the next day
  • The Consentration Camps

    The Consentration Camps
    The world is horrified by the Nazi camps and the war crimes that killed around 12 million who they deemed unworthy of life. Thousands of Jewish flooded America hoping to escape the horrors in Europe and be given a new start
  • End of the war

    End of the war
    The war is ended with the defeat of Nazi Germany and the world celebrates, but there are stil horrors to be seen
  • The Korean and Vitenam Wars

    The Korean and Vitenam Wars
    These wars destroyed the lives of thousands of soliders. Many didn't come home and those who did suffered from PTSD. Their dreams of a normal life were taken away by the drafts. Many protested the wars, prefering peace instead
  • Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr

    Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr
    Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and many others died for the Civil Rights movement while inspiring the black community of the nation before seregation became outlawed
  • The computer and other technologies

    The computer and other technologies
    Technology was beginning to gain popularity with the invention of the computer and coloured television
  • Steve Jobs and Apple

    Steve Jobs and Apple
    Men like Steve Jobs begin to invent technologies that we will desire before we even know that we desire them
  • The American Dream

    The American Dream
    The American Dream drastically changed from what it once was to large houses, huges amounts of money, and believing that things should just be handed to them even when they have done nothing to deserve it. They're anscestors before them had to work to the bone for a good life that they dreamed of.