
  • Quota Act

    Harding signs the Quota act. the limitatation of immigration from any country.
  • Woodrow WIlson

    He became president on March 4 1913. He was the 28 th presidnet of the united states
  • Woodrow Wilson

    He gave a speech on how e would keep the US out of war and stay neutral
  • Prohibtion

    distribution, and production of alcohol was ban nationwide. Which became known as the 18th amendment.
  • 19th Amendment

    The 19th amendment was passed . Gave the right for women to vote.
  • Calvin Coolidge

    president on August, 3rd, 1923. He takes over what Harding did not finish.
  • Franklin D Roosevelt

    Roosevelt became the 32nd president
  • FDR

    Signs the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938.
  • FDR

    He signs the act for raising the minium wage.
  • FDR

    Signs the emergency appropriation bill for national defense.
  • FDR

    Lend lease bill signed.
  • FDR

    FDR extends lend-lease aid to China.
  • FDR

    Roosevelt is buried in the Rose Garden of his home at Hyde Park, New York.
  • Warren Harding

    Warren HArding become president. On March 4 1921
  • FDR

    Franklin D. Roosevelt declares all ports and waters to be closed because of submarine issues.