Presidential System Democracy

  • George Washington Becomes President

    Congress elects George Washington as the first President of the United States where he is unanimously elected by the Electoral College. During his first term the White House is built, and two political parties are created.
  • Colonist VS. U.S Government

    The early colonist were not satisfied with how Congress elected George Washington by an unanimous vote. Not all citizens considered George Washington a hero even though he led the Continental army to success. Colonist boycotted outside the newly built White House and riots were held demanding they take part in voting in a President. Government takes no action and Colonist start setting fires to White House property while some try killing George Washington.
  • 3 Branches Established

    George Washington established the Executive, Legislative and Judicial in response to Colonist outbreak over his election. Each branch has different duties such as making laws, enforcing laws, creating tariffs, government programs. He created these branches in order to organize government and ensure colonist that this would help create a well rounded government.
  • Disappearing Country

    Colonist disagree with George Washington sharing the powers between only him and the three branches. Ships are constructed to take colonist back to Europe as they didn't get the freedom and rights they wanted. The population went from about 4 million Americans to 1.5 million within a year.
  • A Sinking Economy

    After million of colonist flee the country, angered that they didn't get the rights they wanted, the economies for the colonies started to take a turn. Factories went out of business due to so few available workers, stores and small business closed up due to owners leaving. The colonies went from a lively, growing place, to many becoming ghost towns.
  • The Constitution Meeting

    After George Washington realized how many colonist decided to go back to British policy and ruling instead of agreeing to the new government system of the colonies, the President called in John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson into a meeting to discuss possibilities. They decided the only way to rebuild the population would be to change government to the way citizens wanted it. They then wrote what is known as the "Constitution".
  • Constitution is Published

    A written document the "Constitution" is published promising all citizens have equal rights and freedoms, as well as the right to vote in political officials. It states about shared powers between the the citizens and government. It's purpose is to mainly bring back Colonist so that the colonies can start growing their economy again.