Pre-British & British Education in India

  • Period: 6 BCE to 8

    Buddhist Period

  • Period: 4 to

    Gupta Period - Buddhism was predominant

    • Nalanda and Valabhi Universities
    • Fa Hien visited - Chinese connection
    • Medium of instruction - vernacular language
  • Period: 399 to 415

    Fa Hien in India

    Chinese traveller. Visits Pataliputra & Tamralipti monasteries.
  • Period: Nov 11, 629 to Nov 12, 645

    Hiuen Tsang in India

    Visited monasteries of Hinayana and Mahayana schools
  • Period: Nov 11, 671 to Nov 12, 695

    I-Tsing in India

    Studied at Nalanda University
  • Nov 11, 900

    Muslim invasions begin

    Muslim invasions begin
    Started from 8th C AD. Went on till 1771.
    Hindu-Buddhist scientists fled invasion. Moved to interiors - eventually to Tibet.
    Number of Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit texts translated to Tibetan - for fear of being burnt by Muslims.
  • Period: Nov 11, 900 to

    Muslim invasions

    - Sanskrit/Prakrit - replaced by Urdu/Persian - Amir Khusrau - poet, musician, scholar - Maktabas/Madrasas - Curr - traditional + rational sciences - Geography started
  • Nov 11, 1200

    Nalanda University ransacked

    Nalanda University ransacked
    By Bhaktiyar Khilji
  • Nov 11, 1542

    Jesuits introduce the European College System

    Jesuits introduce the European College System
    Introduce printing of books - St. Paul's College in Goa
  • Period: to

    British try to colonize India

    Problems of military conquests and revenue systems.
    Still eyeing trade and natural resources in the country.
    No interest in advancement of learning
  • British Arrive

    British Arrive
    EIC is formed
  • Earliest Account of European traveller

    Fra Bartolomeo commented on the wonders of Indian Education.
  • British are in awe of Indian Education

    Notice widespread education. Report of better standards than even European schools. Most villages have public schoools. Mostly funded by locals and Raja's treasury.
  • Danish Teacher-training missionaries

    • Training teachers for elementary and primary schools
  • EIC's attitude to missionaries changes

    EIC's attitude to missionaries changes
    Prior to 1765, neutral attitude.
    They concentrated on governance, missionaries concentrated on education.
    After 1765 - gained political sovereignty - needed to be religiously neutral.
    Stopped supporting missionaries
  • Warren Hastings founds Madrasa Aliya

    Warren Hastings founds Madrasa Aliya
    Aliah University, Calcutta
  • Warren Hastings founds Asiatic Society of India

    Warren Hastings founds Asiatic Society of India
    Personal interest to further oriental learnings.
    Becomes a treasurehouse of knowledge about Asia and culture.
    Starts research on oriental education.
  • Period: to

    Missionaries & Indians fight for education

    Missionaries and local Indians fight for EIC to recognize education.
    Missionaries had no power in EIC ruled India.
    Fought in Britain, in the British Parliament.
  • Baptist Mission arrives in India

    Baptist Mission arrives in India
    Sets up various public missionary schools.
    Translates Ramayana into English.
    Translates Bible into different Indian Languages.
    Starts the first English School
  • Charter Act of 1813

    Charter Act of 1813
    Turning point in Indian Education system under the British. Recommendations:
    - Crown over British India
    - Indian Education = Primary duty of EIC
    - Missionary = OK to spread education
    - Assign 1 lakh rupees - for furthering education in India
  • Utilitarian, Evangelists, Liberals - All favored British Education

    • Utilitarian, Evangelists, Liberals - All favored British Education
    • Orientalists - Wanted money (1 lakh) spent on expanding Oriental education.
    • Anglicists - (even Indians like Rajaram Mohan Roy) wanted western education.
    • 1 Lakh sum was too less to meet its original intended purpose.
  • Macaulay's Minutes 1835

    Macaulay's Minutes 1835
    T.B. Macaulay - lawyer, educationist, chairman of Committee for Public Instruction. Minutes:
    - English Education - Great! Oriental Education - Unholy, Corrupted
    - Infiltration theory - to be used as Interpretors
    - 1 Shelf of European books in library = whole Indian + Arab lit
    - Creation of Black Europeans Purpose:
    - Allow Indians to take up petty jobs in EIC offices
    - Improve trade of European goods
    - Downward Infiltration = Greater class difference
  • Calcutta Medical College & Elphinstone College set up

  • Persian and English

    • English replaced by Persian as Court language
    • Jobs for Civil servants -- English-speaking Indians
  • Council of Education is formed

    Public Instruction Committee is disbanded.
  • Wood's Despatch

    Wood's Despatch
    Charles Wood's - Chairman of the Board of Control.
    Part of renewing Charter Act (every 20 years). Recommendations:
    - to regularize the education system - from primary to University.
    - to teach in both English and vernacular subjects
    - to set up Department of Education in all regional areas
    - to promote mass education - both public and private
    - grant-in-aid system
    - to promote women education
    - to train teachers to teach
    - to establish 3 universities - modeled after London University
  • Indian Universities set up

    Indian Universities set up
    Madras, Calcutta, Bombay Universities set up.
    In line with the London University.
    As a result of Wood's Despatch.
  • Indian Education Commission - Hunter Commission

    Indian Education Commission - Hunter Commission
    - Grant-in-aid was a failure Recommendations:
    - Indigenous education
    - Withdrawal of Govt from education
    - Primary Education
    - Bifurcation of Secondary Education
    - Grant-in-aid
    - Religious neutrality
  • Committee to examine textbooks in Indian schools

    Committee to examine textbooks in Indian schools
    Sir Edward Bayley - President Recommendations:
    - Readers graduated according to increasing difficulty of idioms
    - English books shd be entertaining - not just instructional
    - Indians should study History of England
  • Period: to

    National Educational Movement/National Council for Education

    - Urgency to introduce mother tongue learning
    - Inadequacy of the prevailing edu system
    - University education had failed Dawn Society - Founded in 1902
    National Council for Education - 1906 Object of the council:
    - Impart literary and technical education
    - National education
    - Running in parallel to the existing edu system
  • Indian Universities Commission / Act (1904)

    - Blaring issues in the universities
    - London University was remodeled in 1898 Recommendations:
    - Don’t recognize universities, recognize senates
    - Proper representation of teachers in the senate
    - University should closely monitor affiliated colleges
    - Hostel for students
  • National Council for Education

    National Council for Education
    - Urgency to introduce mother tongue learning
    - Inadequacy of the prevailing edu system
    - University education had failed Dawn Society - Founded in 1902
    National Council for Education - 1906 Object of the council:
    - Impart literary and technical education
    - National education
    - Running in parallel to the existing edu system
  • Gokhale's Resolution of 1910

    Gokhale's Resolution of 1910
    Gopal Krishna Gokhale - Professor, INC President
    Drafted in 1910, Presented in 1912.
    Compulsory Primary Education.
    Based on the Compulsory Education Acts of England.
    Was rejected by the Imperial Legislative Council.