POU Timeline: Hurst, Sensanig

  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    March 1, 1961 Kennedy made the peace corps. It let thousands of volunteers help improve other countrys living. Volunteers travel the world, going to countries to improve schools, economy, and life.
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    Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall was a barrier constructed by the Germans starting on 13 August 1961, that completely cut off West Berlin from East Germany and East Berlin
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    -October 1962 a US spy plane spotted nuclear missile sights being constructed in Cuba and the us didn’t was the Soviet Union or Cuba to know. President Kennedy ordered a ring of ships around Cuba so missiles could not be brought in and he ordered the missile took out of Cuba and the sights destructed.
  • Americanization

    March 1965 the president decided to send troops to Vietnam. This ended up in the Vietnam War.
  • Medicare and Medicate

    Medicare and Medicate
    Medicare is a program that guarantees access to health insurance for Americans ages 65 and older and younger people with disabilities as well.
  • Miranda Rights

    Miranda Rights
    Miranda rights are rights that when you get arrested or questioned as a criminal the cop has to tell you that you have the right to remain silent and anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law and you have the right to speak to and attorney.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    It was the vietnam war mass of murders. Between 347 and 504 un armed civilians died. Most of the vicyoms were women, children, infants, and the elderly. Many women were found to be raped before they were murdered. 22 US soldiers were convicted.
  • Vietnamization

    After President Nixonn took office vietnamization became the policy of the United States. Its goal was to end American involvemnet in the war in Vietnam. They built up South Vietnam's military so that they could fend for themselves.
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    Gender Equality

    In this decade women fought hard for their rights to vote and have more power in politics and othe jobs. They wanted to be treated equal to men at the work place through their responsibilities and pay.
  • The First Earth Day

    The First Earth Day
    Earth Day was created by John Mcconnell and it was meant to clean up the environment and protect it as well. The government passed laws like The clean Water Act and The Safe Drinking Water Act.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    The two worst crises of this period were the 1973 oil crisis, caused by the US production peak in 1971 and the 1979 energy crisis caused by the Iran revelation
  • Three Mile Island Accident

    Three Mile Island Accident
    In 1979, a nuclear reactor in Dauphin county PA had a meltdown. It was the biggest meltdown in US history. It released radioactive gases and iodine into the air and the environment.
  • Supply Side Econmics

    Supply side economics
    is a school of macroeconomics thought that argues that economic growth can be most effectively created by lowering barriers for people and Reagan tried doing this for the Americans.
  • Nuclear Freeze Movement

    Nuclear Freeze Movement
    This movement was put in action in 1980. It was an agreement to freeze or end the spread of nuclear weapons. The tension was high between America and the USSR at that time because of the Cold War and the weapons produced from that. This deal did not allow either countries to build any more weapons.
  • Reagan Revolution

    Reagan Revolution
    The Regan revolution was the term for Ronald Regan's presidency and his ideas he presented and used to shape America.
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    Reagan Revolution

    The Reagan Revolution was a set of multiple ideas of government and politics. In office, Reagan worked to shrink the government and become more conservative. He wanted to reduce the government spending on social programs. His plan also called for less regulations for businesses and the environment.
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    Reagan Docterine

    Under President Ronald Reagan, a plan was created calle dthe Reagan Docterine. Its objective was to provide aid to non-comunist governments. It was designed to eliminate the Soviets' cold war stategy to influence non-communist governments.
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    Middle East Policy

    President Ronald Reagan sent U.S. peacekeeping troops into lebanon. The tried to secure the country but later terrorist attacks forced Ronald Reagan to pull ou the forces.
  • Persian-Gulf War

    Persian-Gulf War
    After the Iraqi leader, Suddam Hussein, entered Kawait the middle East asked America to intervene. This caused the Persian-Gulf War. Operation Desert Storm was an offensive attack on Iraqi powers. After 42 days of airstikes the miltary had already surrendured or fled Cuba.
  • Fighting Terrorists

    Fighting Terrorists
    In 2001, the World Trade centers in New York were attacked by hijacked airliners taken over by terrorists. This sparked a huge conflict with fighting terrorists. The US's main goal was to bring down the Al Qaeda organization which was the biggest terror group.
  • Occupy Wall Street Protests-Equality

    Occupy Wall Street Protests-Equality
    These protests argued whether or not racial equality should be taken over safety. People fought about tatal racial equality or whether people matching the profile of the 9/11 terrorists should be scrutinized.