Post World War One

  • Japan's Expansionism

    Japan's Expansionism
    1853 to 1900, Japan changed from a feudal, agricultrally based society to a nation that was industialized and modern by European and North American standards. The Japanese government now believed that it had the right to colonize the pacific region.
  • Trading sides

    Trading sides
    Italy was originally apart of the Triple Alliance until the Dalmatia coast was promised to Italy by the Allies. So Italy joined the Allies instead of remaining with the Triple Alliance.
  • Treaty of Versailles outline

    Treaty of Versailles outline
    President Woodrow Wilson outlined a blueprint for peace in Europe that could follow the First World War. This is now known as the Treaty Of Versailles.
  • Germany is dependant

    Germany is dependant
    The Great Depression underlined Germany's dependence and increased Germany's resolve to become more self-sufficient in food, oil and other strategic raw materials,
  • Railroad Boming

    Railroad Boming
    The Japanese built south Manchurian Railroad was bombed. By 1932 Japan controlled the major cities and most of the province in Manchuria and renamed it Manchukuo.
  • Attack in Abyssinia

    Attack in Abyssinia
    Two Italian armies invaded Abyssinia from Eritrea and Somaliland, of course the Abyssinians were no match for the Italian army.