Cellular Communication History

By lcacree
  • Period: to

    History of Cellular Communication

  • In car radio was born

    In car radio was born
    Detroit police used an in car radio to communicate with each other. The frequency wasn't very great.
  • Mobile Walkies became common

    Mobile Walkies became common
    People started using mobile walkies also known as "Handie Walkie" to communicate when they were out.
  • Failed car phone attempt

    Failed car phone attempt
    Invention of the car phone was started but shortly after failed.
  • Car phones were successfully invented

    Car phones were successfully invented
    Car phones finally worked unlike the attempt made in 1947.
  • First handheld mobile call took place

    First handheld mobile call took place
    Dr. Martin Cooper invented a phone that didn't need to be in a car. He was the first person to make a mobile call.
  • First flip phone

    First flip phone
    Motorola came out with the first ever flip phone.
  • Texting invented

    Texting invented
    Written messages were able to be sent.
  • Camera phone is made

    Camera phone is made
    Users were able to take pictures on their phones.
  • Iphone is released

    Iphone is released