Politics and Power

  • end of civil war

    end of civil war
    The civil war ended on May 9th, 1865. this was less than a month from Lincoln's death, in which Andrew Johnson was the next president he was in the democratic party and didn't get along with the republican party. The republican party led congress. So they didn't agree on helping free slaves, this led to Johnson getting impeached for Ulysses S. Grant who was president. Which was big in U.S politics because Grant was a Republican and got along better with the republican congress.
  • KKK

    The kkk was a group or colt that did not like African Americans. The reason I use them as an example is that they tried to use their group as a higher power.
  • Black codes

    Black codes
    black codes were passed in southern states in 1865 and 1866. black codes are where southern states allowed slavery but it was under a different name so they could have slaves. This showed politics because by the south doing this it got the congress involved and made the 14th Amendment.
  • Reconstruction Act of 1867

    Reconstruction Act of 1867
    The Reconstruction Act was where congress passed a variety of Reconstruction Acts, that was meant to govern how the former Confederate states would be readmitted to the Union. They had to take an extended loyalty oath before the voter was registered to vote. Which came during the 14th amendment to give black people the right to vote. This ended up giving African Americans more power because they had the chance to elect the president that they liked the most.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment was adopted in the united states in 1868. The amendment gave equal protection and due process under the law. Also, it protected citizens' civil rights from being denied. The amendment authorized the government to punish states that didn't follow the amendment so this gave the government more power.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th amendment was passed in 1870, this amendment gives African American men the right to vote. which gave African Americans the power to vote for a president and have the chance to abolish slavery.
  • the compromise of 1877

    the compromise of 1877
    the compromise of 1877, was a political deal between the two political parties. Which the Democrats agreed not to object to the election of Republican Rutherford B. Hayes over Democrat Samuel Tilden. in which there were still three southern states where the military rule was still happening. Hayes became president and removed the troops and marked the formal end of Reconstruction.
  • Mckinley assassinated

    Mckinley assassinated
    Mckinley was assassinated on September 14, 1901. The reason this is big is that there was a new president now which was Theodore Roosevelt. When Mckinley was the president he was known for leading the U.S to victory in the Spanish-American war. And Theodore Roosevelt was known for being a progressive reformer. This was big in politics because it was a new president.
  • world war l

    world war l
    World war 1 was a war that began in 1914, war was between a lot of countries such as Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey against the Allies mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, from 1917, the United States. This war showed how all these countries wanted power because they were fighting each other to see who was more powerfully.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    The new deal was a series of programs, public work projects, and financial reforms. Which this was enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1939. The new deal made a political realignment, making the Democratic Party the majority. And this affected politics and power because now the house is all democratic and was for several years.