
pocahontas jaidyn

  • Pocahontas birth

    Pocahontas birth
    Her real name is Matoaka Pocahontas. Pochantas is just a nickname for her. She loves to hunt for food and get sticks for houses.
  • First English settlers arrive

    First English settlers arrive
    Settlers came to America.They built Jamestonw on James river.
  • Pocahontas saves John Smith

    Pocahontas saves John Smith
    Pocahontas saves John Smith by begging the chief to let him go and he did.
  • Pocahontas is captured

    Pocahontas was captured by settlers in 1613 they made her be a English lady.
  • Pocahontas had a son

    Pocahontas had a son
    Her son name was Thomas he was born in England in 1614, April 5th.
  • Pocahontas marries John Rolfe

     Pocahontas  marries John Rolfe
    Pocahontas marries John Rolfe in Englandin 1614 same place she had her son Thomas.
  • Pocahontas travels to egland

    Pocahontas gose to egland to make peace with the king and queen.
  • Pocahontas dies

    Pocahontas dies
    Pocahontas died of a sickness when she was 22 .