

  • Pocahonatas is born

    Pocahonatas is born
    Pocahontas was Born around 1595 Werowocomoco, Virginia. She was a beautiful Indian Princess. Her father was a powerful Chief named Pawhaton. No one knows the Exact date but they know the Exact year.
  • English come

    English come
    The English king James VI had sent them to make a coleny in America. After hearing what Columbas found he wanted gold and land. When they landed the named it Jamestown in the name of England. Exact date not known
  • john smith will die

    john smith will die
    John smith the English soldier had explored too deep into the jungle and gets lost. Then suddenly the Indians pounce on him and take him to Pawhaton. The Pawhaton has to kill him. They will smash clubs on to his head and bleed him to death. But Pocahontas flees over him and save his life. Exact date not known.
  • john rolfe and pocahontas

    john rolfe and pocahontas
    John Rolfe is a nice wealthy English man who came to virginia to teach pocahontas how to eat, sleep, walk, talk, dance and also manners. A few years after they fall in love and got married. Exact date not known.
  • Thomas rolfe

    Thomas rolfe
    Pocahontas has a child named thomas. She and him fall very sick after he was born. Exact date not known.
  • Pocahontas death

    Pocahontas death
    Pocahontas dies soon after she and Thomas fell sick. She died becuse of a disease.