• First Photograph

    The first photograph (recorded) was taken sometime in 1826v by a French scientist named Joseph Nicephore Niepece. It was of the view from a window at Le Gras, his familys country home.
  • Period: to


  • First Commercially Practical Process For Photography

    Sometime in August of 1839 another French scientist, Fracois Arago, announced the process that could be used in a practical way known as the daguerreotype. This process was developed with mercury.
  • New Processes

    Sometime in 1851 a sculptor from London, Frederick Scott Archer, improves photographic resolution. He did this by making a mixture of collodion, nitrated cotton dissolved in ether and alcoohol, and chemicals then spreading it on sheets of glass. This wet plate collodion photography was a lot less expensive than daguerreotypes. This process permitted unlimited reproductions. The process was published but not patented.
  • Color Seperation

    In 1861 a Scottish physicist James Clerk-Maxwell creates color photography. This involves three black and white photographs. All taken through a red, green, or blue filter. Then the photos would be turned into slides put over a lantern and projected with the same color filters. This is the "color separation" method. It made color photos but not accessable to everyone.
  • Photography and the Civil War

    1861 to 1865: Mathew Brady and his staff takes pictures of the American Civil War, resulting in about 7000 negatives. Most of these pictures taken by the staff. You can still some of them today. It gave a lot of people a new perspective on the war.
  • Flash Becomes Available

    Reliable flash is avaible for any photographer. Helps out commercial photographers.
  • Photography Gets Some Color

    Sometime in 1935 Eastman Kodak announces a way to take color pictures known as the Kodachrome. This was discovered by some of the Kodak employees. It was able to be done commercially.
  • Copying

    At somepoint in 1937 Chester Carlson invents something calledelectron photography. Which is really xerography. Both of thos processes are basically just photocopying.
  • Camera Phone

    in 2000 the first camera phone was introduced in Japan by Sharp/J-Phone. This made photography easily accessable to anyone at anytime without having to carry a camera around.
  • First SLR Consumer Camera

    The first consumer camera was released. The Canon EOS 5D a full-frame digital SLR. It has a 24x36mm CMOS sensor and went for three thousand dollars.
  • Now!

    Now I take with my cameras all of the time and very easily. Photography is a wide spread hobby taken up by a lot of people. It is also a career choice for some people.