Persecution of the Hazaras

  • Period: to

    Over The Years

  • After the Second Anglo Afghan War

    After the Second Anglo Afghan War
    The British Government had appointed Sardar Abdur Rahman Khan as ruler of Afghanistan and assisted him with money and ammunition and gave him a free hand on the various tribes of Afghanistan. British politicians, who aimed to preserve India from Russian and other powers, motivated AbdurRahman to dismantly the tribal structure of the country and establish a centralized form of government. It was due to this reason that he suppressed all the independent tribes.
  • Slavery

    Thousands of Hazaras were sold as slaves
  • Racial Segregation

    Racial Segregation
    Racial segregation enforced by Afghan regimes. Hazaras were the downtrodden and the servant class in Afghanistan. Afghan king established relationship with German Nazi
  • Comunists Overthrow the Government

    Comunists Overthrow the Government
    Communists take over the country and overthrow the government (like in the book)
  • Malitia Rampage

    Malitia Rampage
    A two-day military operation was conducted by the Islamic State of Afghanistan government and the Saudi-backed Suni militia led by Abdul Rasul Sayaf. The militia went on a rampage killing, raping, looting, and burning houses. Around 70 people died and around 750 people were abducted and never returned.
  • Massacre

    massacre of 3,000 Taliban prisoners
  • Ismaili Province

    Ismaili Province
    A mass murder was carried out by Taliban, in which 31 people were reported dead. Twenty-six of the victims were Ismaili Hazarafrom Baghalan province
  • Taliban Destruction

    Taliban Destruction
    Taliban destoyed the greatest Hazara historic and cultural works, Buddhas of Bamyan
  • Three Days of Terror

    Three Days of Terror
    From January 8-11th the Taliban committed a mass execution of Hazara people in the Bamyan province Afghanistan. They took the lives of 170 men and apprehended about 300 people.
  • Years of Attack

    Fully armed Pashtuns attacked Hazaras, killing and injuring nomads, attacking homes, and killing over 3000 families, forcing many to flee. This occurs from 2006 to 2012