PE Historical Timeline

  • Catharine Beecher opened a girls seminary

    Catharine Beecher opened a girls seminary
  • Charles Follen founded the first college gymnasium at Harvard University

    Charles Follen founded the first college gymnasium at Harvard University
  • Cincinnati, Ohio

    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Cincinnati, Ohio became the first school system to offer this type of program to children
  • California

    California became the first state to pass a law requiring two exercise periods a day in public schools
  • Traditional education was challenged by John Dewey and

    Traditional education was challenged by John Dewey and
    Traditional education was challenged by John Dewey and his colleagues, which lead to the expansion of the “Three R’s” to include physical education.
  • training schools

    training schools
    Several training schools for PE teachers were established, which held high backgrounds in the sciences.
  • Thomas Wood

    Thomas Wood
    Thomas Wood stated that "the great thought of physical education is not the education of the physical nature, but the relation of physical training to complete education, and then the effort to make the physical contribute its full share to the life of the individual"
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX education amendments were passed, intended to give girls and women equal access to physical education and sports at all levels
  • US House of Reps

    US House of Reps
    the United States House of Reps amended the Federal Education Act in order to lift gender discrimination in school physical education programs
  • Eric Jensen

    Eric Jensen
    Eric Jensen's 1998 research revealed that the cerebellum is not solely dedicated to motor activity, but includes both cognitive and sensory operations.