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Pauline Paulus Timeline (Isabel Babio)

  • Birth Date

    Pauline was born and grew up in Prasicr Nitr, Czechoslovakia, which today is near Nitra, Slovakia.
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    Parents Arrival

    Pauline's parents, Mary Godal Palus and Joseph Palus arrived in the United States before the rest of the family. Her father arrived first and then a few years later her mother arrived.
  • Arrival to the United States

    Arrival to the United States
    Pauline arrived in the United States on September 1st, 1922. Her two brothers, John and Josef, along with her aunt left Czechoslovakia and traveled to France to the the Le Havre port. They traveled on a ship called the La Touraine. They arrived at Ellis Island in New York.
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    Great Depression

    Pauline and Michael Cisar met and got married during the Great Depression.
  • Milton, Saratoga, New York

    Milton, Saratoga, New York
    In 1935, Pauline and her family bought their farm in Milton, Saratoga in New York State. Her father was a farmer and her mother was a houseworker.
  • Marriage

    In 1937, at the age of 24, Pauline got married to Micheal Cisar Sr. They were married in Saratoga, New York, and lived together on the family farm.
  • During the Great Depression

    During the Great Depression
    Pauline worked with her brothers at the family's auto repair shop and lumbar yard on the farm to make money. Her husband, Michael Cisar, was selling crops such as fruits and vegetables to make money as well. Their family grew crops and had pigs, cows, and chickens to feed themselves.
  • Birth of Michael Cisar Jr.

    Birth of Michael Cisar Jr.
    In 1944, Pauline had her first son, Michael Cisar Jr. He was born near the end of World War II. Michael Cisar was the first of five sons born.
  • Move to New Jersey

    Move to New Jersey
    In 1964, Pauline and her family moved to Passaic, New Jersey.
  • Life in New Jersey

    Pauline worked as a homemaker and Michael Cisar Sr. worked in a factory and eventually ended up working as a supervisor at Sun Chemical (a printing ink company).
  • Period: to

    The Rest of Pauline's Life in New Jersey

    Pauline had spent the rest of her life in Passaic, New Jersey. During the summer, she and her family would go back to their farm in Saratoga and spend the summer there visiting her parents. While in New Jersey, she lived in a Slovak community and attended St. Mary's Slovak Church in Passaic.
  • Death of Pauline Paulus

    Pauline passed away on December 13th, 1994 in Passaic, New Jersey.