Passion of Jesus Timeline

  • Friday

    Dinner at Mary and Martha's
  • Saturday

    Sabbath day; Day of rest and worship
  • Palm Sunday

    Palm Sunday
    Triumphal entry, Jesus weeps over Jerusalem, then he goes back to the temple and then to Bethany
  • Monday

    Cursing of fig tree, cleansing of temple, healing at the temple, praised by children, Greeks request to see Jesus, Jesus hides from the people, then goes back to Bethany
  • Tuesday

    Cursed fig tree; Pharisees, Saducees, and teachers of the law go back and forth with Jesus; Jesus tells parables; Jesus predicts destruction of the temple and his second coming; Jesus annointed; Pharisees, Saducees, and teachers of the law plot to kill Jesus; Judas agrees to betray Jesus
  • Wednesday

    Nothing mentioned in the Bible. Probably teaching, preaching, and praying.
  • Maundy Thursday

    Maundy Thursday
    Prepared for passover, eats, washes their feet, predicts Judas' betrayal and Peter's denial, sings hymn, goes to Gethsemane and prays
  • Good Friday

    Good Friday
    Jesus arrested, put on trial by Annas, then Caiphas and the Sanhedrin, Peter denies Jesus, Judas commits suicide, trial by Pilate, then Herod, and then Pilate again; Jesus led out to be crucified, he fulfills prophesys, and dies. Body buried by Joseph of Arimethea and Nicodemus
  • Holy Saturday

    Holy Saturday
    Jesus body lies in the tomb
  • Easter Sunday

    Easter Sunday
    Tomb visited by the women and stone rolled away tomb found empty, angel, Peter and John go and see the empty tomb, Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, Jesus appears to the other women Jesus appears on the road to Emmaus.