Passed Notes

By sgrunin
  • Start!

    Begin outreach in attempt to generate attention to our site and our idea. Launch website, launch twitter campaign, reach out to bloggers
  • Continue to gain momentum

    One week down, continue to work on building an online following, start promoting Passed Notes on campus with handouts, continue outreach
  • Online Following Goal

    Hopefully reached goal of having strong online following (200+ twitter followers, 200+ facebook likes, 200+ email subscriptons)
  • Start Kickstarter

    Launch Kickstarter campaign. Get a new wave of bloggers to report our kickstarter, send out email blasts (madmimi), tweet about it, post about it, hand out 'notes' about it, spread the word
  • Keep Up Kickstarter

    Because the first part of the kickstarter campaign is essential, do a lot of heavy promotions and updates during this time period
  • Kickstarter Goal Achieved!

    Hurray! We did it!
  • Updates

    Update people who contributed to the kickstarter, send out rewards, keep trying to get new followers, likes, etc