Pandemonium Rises Timeline

  • Period: to

    Creative Cycle

    This time span will be dedicated to writing and learning new music for the CD. Most emphasis should be placed on composing.
  • Period: to

    Promotion/Fund Raising

    This time span is dedicated to booking gigs heavily, raising money, and continuing to learn music before production. Towards the end, a team should be composed: A production assistant, recording engineer, photographer, publicist, cover artist, and copywriter to discuss the release.
  • Production Assistant Verdict, Photographer Verdict, Cover Artist Verdict, Publicist Verdict

  • Meet with Team Pandemonium

  • Period: to


    Production will consist of recording, mixing, mastering, promo pics for album, cover art design, and packaging deals
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


    Post Production - In this time frame, mixing, mastering, and final drafts of cover art and formats must be made
  • Period: to

    Pre-Sale Campaign

    More Promotion, more gigs, etc
  • First Single Released

  • CD's Arrive