Pakatan Rakyats Governance

  • Pakatan Rakyat Wins elections.

    Takes over the governance of Selangor for the first time in their (PR's) history.
  • Period: to

    Pakatan Rakyats Governance of Selangor

  • Free Water For Selangor

    Free water policy is implemented, where all Selangor residents get the first 20 cubic meters of water for free.
  • SELCAT Established

    The Select Committee on Competence, Accountability and Transparency, is formed
  • No Plastic Bag Day Intoroduced.

    In order to combat pollution and raise awareness about recycling, the use of plastic bags by shoppers and shop owners is banned, on Saturdays.
  • Selangor Times is launched.

    The state starts printing an English newspaper to be circulated in Selangor.
  • Private Dwellers Scheme Introduced

    Scheme, giving Selangorians the oppertunity to aquire land with an upfront payment of just RM.1,000