Origins of World War II

  • A) Five Year Plans beginning in USSR

    The first Five Year Plan introduced in 1928, concentrated on the development of iron and steel, machine-tools, electric power and transport. Joseph Stalin set the workers high targets. He demanded a 1115 increase in coal production, 200% increase in iron production and 335% increase in electric power. He justified these demands by claiming that if rapid industrialization did not take place, the Soviet Union would not be able to defend itself against an invasion from capitalist countries in the w
  • D) Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Also called the Pact of Paris, was a multilateral agreement that attempting to outlaw war as a creator of national policy. This was one of the many attempts to keep peace after Worl War I
  • I) The Great Depression Begins

    The Great Depression not only cause the US to have a difficult time with their economy, however it also casue major devestation with other nations around the world. In Germany, Hitler began his rise to power, during the Great Depression and its effects on Germany
  • C) Maginot Line

    The Maginot Line named after French Minister of War André Maginot, was a line of concrete fortifications, tank obstacles, artillery casemates, machine gun posts, and other defences, which France constructed along its borders with Germany.
  • H) The Manchurian Crisis

    In September 1931, an explosion damaged a section of the South Manchurian Railroad track — an event sometimes labeled the Mukden Incident. The Japanese military immediately seized the opportunity to move soldiers from a base already established on the Liaodong Peninsula into other areas of South Manchuria. They encountered little Chinese resistance and the highly orchestrated nature of the Japanese move made it evident that it had been planned in advance.
  • F) World Disarmament Conference

    This conference was held in Geneva to decide how the world supply of weapons should be dealt with. One main idea was that all "offensive" weapons should be banned. The making of weapons was not only hurting the trust between nations, but also their economies.
  • E) Hitler appioted Chancellor of Weimar Republic

    Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor on the morning of 30 January 1933. By early February, a mere week after Hitler's assumption of the chancellorship, the government had begun to clamp down on the opposition. Meetings of the left-wing parties were banned and even some of the moderate parties found their members threatened and assaulted. Measures with an appearance of legality suppressed the Communist Party in mid-February and included the plainly illegal arrests of Reichstag deputies.
  • M) Mussolini Invades Abyssinia

    The Abyssinia Crisis was a diplomatic crisis during the interwar period originating in the "Walwal incident." This incident resulted from the ongoing conflict between the Kingdom of Italy and the Empire of Ethiopia (then commonly known as "Abyssinia" in Europe). Its effects were to undermine the credibility of the League of Nations and to encourage Fascist Italy to ally itself with Nazi Germany.
  • J) Stresa Front

    Coalition of France, Britain, and Italy formed at Stresa, Italy, to oppose Adolf Hitler's announced intention to rearm Germany, which violated terms of the Treaty of Versailles. When Italy invaded Ethiopia, France and Britain tried to reconcile the action with the need to remain united against Germany, but the coalition soon dissolved.
  • L) Anglo-German Naval Agreement

    The Anglo-German Naval Agreement (A.G.N.A) of June 18, 1935 was a bilateral agreement between the United Kingdom and German Reich regulating the size of the Kriegsmarine in relation to the Royal Navy. The A.G.N.A fixed a ratio where the total tonnage of the Kriegsmarine was to be 35% of the total tonnage of the Royal Navy on a permanent basis. It was registered in League of Nations Treaty Series on July 12, 1935.The agreement was renounced by Adolf Hitler on April 28, 1939.
  • G) US passes the First Neutrality Act

    A series of acts passed in 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1939 to limit U.S. involvement in possible future wars and that was created in response to the belief that U.S. involvement in World War I resulted from loans and trade with the Allies. The 1935 act banned the shipment of war materials to belligerents and forbade U.S. citizens to travel on belligerent vessels.
  • K) Reoccupation of the Rhineland

    Under the terms of Versailles, the Rhineland had been made into a demilitarised zone. Germany had political control of this area, but she was not allowed to put any troops into it. Therefore, many Germans concluded that they did not actually fully control the area despite it being in Germany itself.In March 1936, Hitler took what for him was a huge gamble - he ordered that his troops should openly re-enter the Rhineland thus breaking the terms of Versailles once again.
  • U) Stalin Purges His Officers Corps

    It involved the large scale purge of the Communist party and their government offficals, it also aided in the repression of those living in poverty, and the leadership of the Red Army. Those that were killed were see as people against Stalin and his mnovements to better the USSR. The majority of the purges were see by police surveilance and suspicions about who was against the Red Army. From 1937-1938 the worst of the purges were carried out, know as the Yezhovshchina after Nikolai Yezhov.
  • N) Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War, was a revolt against the republician government in Spain at the time. When the intial military coupe failed, and bloody civil war broke out. The Nationalist (or rebels) got support from Fascits Itlay, and Nazi Germany.
  • P) Anti-Comintern Pact

    A pact between Japan and Germany after World War I. Neither country was able to expand and gain more territory after the war. Japan watched as most countries around her, began to be controlled by western powers. Geramny was in major debt and unable to gain terriorty around its country. Hitler saw Japan as an ally because they were aslo having problems with the western empires overtaking land around there countries.
  • V) Marco Polo Bridge Incidenet (Japanese Invasion of China)

    This is a fight between both, Chinese and Japanese troops. When a small arrmy of Japanese solider want access into a small village to search for their troop, when the Chinee troops didn't want them to come in. Shots were fired and the conflict began. Neither side was willing to make a compromise so the conflict grew.
  • B) Hossback Memorandum

    On November 5, 1937, Adolf Hitler held a secret conference in the Reich Chancellery during which he revealed his plans for the acquisition of Lebensraum, or living space, for the German people at the expense of other nations in Europe.
  • T) Rape of Nanking (Nanking Massacre)

    This was a mass murder and war rape that lasted 6-weeks in China. During this time hundereds of thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed soliders were killed, and tens of thousands of women were raped by the Japanese Army.
  • O) Anschuluss

    The event know as Anschuluss was the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany.
  • Q) Munich Crisis

    Geramany demanded that Czechoslovakia cede over what was then know as Sudetenland, or Germany would start a war. Because Czechslovakia did not want to cede Sudetenland (and had USSR and France as allies) they decided to fight Germany. The war that was happening led other countries to believe that another Worl War would soon start.British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain decided to speak with Hitler, directly, about the problem. In the end Nazi Germany was able to gain control of Sudentenland.
  • R) Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact)

    This pact was named after both Germany and the Soviet Union's forgien ministers. The pact was made in order to denounce warfare between the two countries. They also stated to pledge neutrality between both countries if either were attacked by a third party. It remained in effect until Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941.
  • W) Invasion of Poland

    This was an invasion in to Poland by; Germany, The Soviet Union and a small Slovak contingent. This marked the start o f World War II and what was to follow.