Ongoing Timeline

  • Period: to


  • 15th amendment ratified

    This amendment allowed african american men the right to vote. It allowed them to vote, but it totaaly let them vote. Through the creation of poll taxes and litercy tests, many of them didn't qualify. This woudnt be full realized for another hundred years.
  • The assination of Franz Ferdinand

    This was the date when Franz Ferdinand was assainated. Franz Ferdinand was the Archduke of Austria. He was assassinated because since he was heir to the throne he made it cleasr he was going to make changes.
  • Completion of the Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal is a man made canal made for trade. It was made to shorten the boat ride to transport goods from nation to nation. it worked out for Panama because any ship that used it had to pay taxes to use it. everybody except for the U.S. This caused much controversy.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This was a peace agreement that was signed on this date. This was signed right after the end of WWI. This called for the reduction of arms which ended up leading to WWII.
  • 19th amendment ratification

    The 19th amendment is one of the most important rights in a democracy I think. It allows all american woman the right to vote. This was a milestone for woman in america because if you don't have the right to vote then you have no voice in what goes on in our government.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland on this date in his effort to conquer most of Europe. He used bomber planes and bombed polish cities. The attack came with no warning. Hitler just did it because he was in power of Germany and he could.
  • Pearl Habor

    Japan pulls a sneak attack on pearl harbor in an attempt to wipe out our navy and the planes we had. Luckily all of our air craft carriers and important ships were off at sea. This only made us mad so we wage war on
  • Executive Order 9066

    This was the order that forced Japanese-Americans to relocate. They had to relocate because of Pearl HArbor. they were either considered spies or for whatever reason. They were just considered a threat to national security.
  • U.S entry into WWII

    The U.S entered the war after Germany declared war with the United States. A year after this happened Japan bombed pearl harbor, which was a airforce base in Hawaii. We were then included in WWII.
  • First atom bomb dropped on japan.

    The first atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. After Pearl Harbor we declared war on them and this is what we did. We killed many lives, many who may have been innocent. Although this was a huge shock to many Japan didn't drop out of the war and continued to fight.
  • Second atom bomb dropped on Japan.

    Just days after the first atom bomb we dropped another one on Nagasaki, Japan. People were still in shock after the first one only to be bombarded with another one. As a result of this bomb Japan finally surrendered because we would have dropped more as long as they kept being made. We did it so they would surrender and so we wouldnt lose so many American lives.
  • First U.S military advisors sent into Vietnam

    The first military advisors were sent into Vietnam in 1950. Since North Vietnam was communist we tried to keep South Vietnam from turning communist. So we appointed their own president who swore he would do what we said. The troops were their to protect the South.
  • March on Washington

    The March on Washington was the biggest protest in american history. There were a quarter million participants who wanted true equality for blacks. This is where MLK Jr. gave his most famous speech. This speech was the "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • John F. Kennedy assassinated.

    There are many reasoms to why John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Either he was assassinated for pulling troops out of Vietnam. Or he was assassinated for not engaging in the civil rights mivement like he swore he would. He was assassinated by ???? and could be considered one of the largest conspiracies in U.S. history.
  • First Combat Troops sent to Vietnam

    This was the date that the first combat troops were sent into South Vietnam. They were sent there for protection against North Vietnam. They were sent there for no purpose since we ended up taking them back before the war was over, and the North ended up winning the South and turning it into a communist country.
  • Mr Luther King Jr. assassinated

    On this date Mr. Luther King Jr. was assasssinated by James Earl Ray. This then caused riots in 125 cities, and opened up peoples eyes towards racism. This wasa near finish on the civil rights movement.
  • Vietnam War Ends

    The Vietnam War ended on this date, but was not the date that America pulled out of it. This is considered the date, because this is when the Paris Peace Accords were signed. The capture of Saigon was the end when the North took over the South. This turned the South into a communist country.
  • U.S supports Afganistan from invasion from the U.S.S.R.

    The U.S backed up Jihad forces in the effort to drive the Soviet Union out of Kuwait. The Soviet Union tried to take over Afgany forces in an attempt to get there land. Some say that this is a reason for 9/11, but I think that this doesnt make any since.
  • U.N resolution 678

    U.N resolution is a security measure. It allows invasion into Iraq after what had happened in Kuwait. For protecion of countries around it this was made.
  • U.N bombs Iraq in an attempt to make them withdraw

    This date is when the U.N authorized the bombing of Iraq. This is also called Desert Storm. We bombed the Iraqi airforces and communications systems, chemical weapons facilities, tanks and artillery. This would eventually end p in Iraq forces leaving Kuwait.
  • Victory in the Persian Gulf War

    The Persian Gulf War was a short war that didn't even last one year. Iraq invaded Kuwait for their oil and land. We didn't see this as the ritious thing to do so we encountered and conquered. The Iraq military was unorganized and no match for us. As a result we got in good graces with Kuwait.