
Of Beetles & Angels

  • Leaving Camp

    When Mawi's family decided to leave the camp. Could you imagine what that must have felt like? Leaving going to America had to be exciting, and terrifying all at the same time. Have you , or could you ever pick up and leave everything behind?
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    The Camp

    I like to think of the camp/school for Mawi was considered "Character Building" for what he was going to face in America. Mawi and his siblings were made to accept extremely hard times in school, of being beat and tortured by teachers. Leaving Mawi and siblings no choice but to accept it. Which kind of gets them ready for being bullied not by teachers anymore, but as you read further in the book. You will see they had to accept the same abuse by students.
  • Moving to America

    Moving to America
    I couldn't imagine being born in a small village, with Adobe houses. Then later, moving to America, where there are so many gigantic houses. This had to be a big change for Mawi and his family.
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    Play Ground WarFare

    When Mawi and his family arrived to America, the first thing on my mind, and I believe every kid mind is; What is school going to be like? Will at fit in? What are these "American children" like?
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    Picking your Battle

    Starting out having to fight every kid, to defend yourself through school, had to have been extremely ruff on Mawi and his siblings. You could either allow them to bully you or, do something about it. The question is what could they have done? Their father was against fighting, due to the possibility of being expelled from school. So Mawi and his siblings had two choices. Fight with the children and risk being expelled, and then fight with their father. Or ignore the bullying.
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    Days of Mischief

    When Mawi spoke about his brother Tewolde and himself, trick or treating. I was surprised that they started stealing candy. I'm not for sure why I felt this way given all the situations they have been in. Yet, I was still surprised by it. It made me think of when I was a child, I avoided trick or treating by myself, because I was afraid of the bigger kids snatching my bag of candy.
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    Kiro- Part ll of Days of Mischief

    Kiro was the long lost friend from Mawi's village. The terrifying boy that used to sit in tree's to throw stones at people he didn't like! Mawi somehow thought Kiro had changed. Or at leased wonder had he changed. Until the moment of the card game in the basement led to, Kiro trying to injure Mawi with a bat for cheating. So I assume Kiro was still crazy, the only thing that changed, was the fact that their were no tree's for Kiro to hang in.
  • Coffee Tales

    Coffee Tales
    This is where all the adults would sit around the table and have coffee or Boona, which is what they called it in Sudan. I love coffee, but Boona sounds pretty intense to grind beans in a skillet first. The way it's described by Mawi, I think I would just handle the coffee. Anyhow, all the adults would sit around and talk about what we would usually called "the old days". They would tell stories from the villages that the kids didn't know about, such as struggles ,life and so much more.
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    Days of Mischief Part 3

    When Mawi, his brother and friends, plotted to still the money meter, I couldn't believe it. They have went from stealing candy, to fighting at card games, to stealing from the city! Absolutely insane. What were they thinking? Actually the police officer chased them down, i'm sure that's a question that crossed their minds. Thank God they didn't get caught. I believe this was the icebreaker for Mawi, to turn in their running shoes and start focusing on school.
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    The Making of A Man

    You couldn't get the entire story of Mawi's wonderful, mysterious dad from the all the coffee tales. Yet, once Mawi and his siblings had grown older. They learned more about how great their dad was, and why he was so loved by so many. Mawi's dad was had a rough life growing up, losing his father and mother at such a young age. But it sounds like he was still determine to make something of him self., There were even days when he didn't know where his next meal would come from. Sadly I can relate.
  • The Making of a Man Part ll

    The Making of a Man Part ll
    As Mawi's father things didn't get any better, but he begin to practice medicine. Now when I think of practicing medicine, I think of Med school. However Mawi's father begin to actually work on people, and study medicine however, he didn't have any of the supplies so he only studied. He also passed one of the hardest examines ever to begin to practice medicine. He was very good at what he did. He treated everyone. He was very well respected among his people. However that's when trouble begin.
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    Unmaking of a Man

    When Mawi's dad had no discrimination on whom he treated. It started to cause problems for him within the villages. As a doctor you vowel to save everyone, and that's just what Mawi's dad did. Killers, robbers etc. So every now and then he would get someone who the people didn't want him to treat. Yet, the great man Mawi's father was, he loved and treated everyone. He operated as a professional. By doing so, it caused him to be threatened, in some cases he couldn't open his clinic out of fear.
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    The Unmaking of a Man

    As Mawi's Father begin to be on the run from people. It seemed shortly after that, he kept running. He then had started a family and later the soldiers of Sudan wanted him to join their violent army. Which he refused to do. Which led him to run away from his family. Then later because Sudan was so bad, once Haileab reunited with his family, they later ran to america, where Haileab wasn't so popular. He wasn't able to practice medicine any more nor, see as good as before. So things changed.
  • Things Changed

    Once Haileab begin to settle in American and get older. He begin to lose his eyesight, Even though many people saw him as a hero. He begin to think less of himself, because he was getting older and losing his eyesight. Nothing stopped him from teaching his children matters and respect. To me that's an hero in itself, to train your children up the right way. Despite of it all when you look back Haileab should have been very proud of all the things he had accomplished.
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    Losing Someone

    I didn't think the days would come for Mawi to lose his brother Tewolde, at such a young age. Then to turn around years later and lose his father as well. Both Tewolde, and Mawi's father was hit by a drunk driver. First Tewolde, then Mawi's father. How tragic that must have been for Mawi's family? Yet, this strong God loving family pulled through their lost and still kept fighting the good fight. Mawi stayed dedicated to school.
  • Despite of what Happens in Life You Still have a Chance

    Despite of all Mawi's shortcomings in life. Mawi was still able to succeed in High School and College. He was still able to make his family proud. Mawi graduated at the top of his class from one of the most prestige's colleges. Which was Harvard. He continues to be successful in life honoring his brother Tewolde and his wonderful parents. Who taught him from the very beginning, to be kind to others, and always try your hardest, and never give up! What a great inspiring story!