Oceanography History Timeline

  • 264


    Found out world was not flat, but round, estimate 40,250 KM (Actual: 40, 067) only a few hundred KM bigger than the actual size. This was around 264-194 B.C
  • Jan 1, 1000


    1000 A.D--ruled oceans, better boats, ship designs. Sailed through rivers, because of technology, able to conquer/exploit the European countries. Around 1200 A.D they stopped.
  • Feb 1, 1002

    Leif Erikson

    Leif Erikson
    1002 A..D Sailed to Greenland-South America. 400 years before Christopher Colombus.
  • Jan 1, 1200


    "Fisher Towns" grew into important trading posts.Important main/big ways of trading exploit the resources of the oceans (Navigation, Boats, and Trading). First recorded voyage: 3200 B.C --to egypt-southern edge of Arabian pennisula. Saliors passed down describtions of landmarks. Around 1200 B.C--dried fish traded in persuian Gulf produced economic growth.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    China Exploration of oceans

    China Exploration of oceans
    China exploration of occeans, wanted to expand nations, culture, and economy. Developed a society and ships high in technology to travel, more advanced than any other ships used before. Around 1500 A.D
  • Jan 1, 1500

    15th and 16th century

    15th and 16th century
    Most exploration of oceans was used for commerce, national security, and political/economic purposses. Stufy of properties of sea became important. Men like Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, and Edmund Halley were interested in the ocean greatly to figure out more about the Earth and planets.
  • Edmund Halley: Salt

    Edmund Halley: Salt
    Salt was a basis for the age of the oceans--calculated 90 to 100 million years, based on the salt mass in oceans and additional salt added to the oceans, believed by Edumund Halley. Although the estimate was far to young--didn't accound for the recycling salt, the incorperation of salt to sea floor sediments, or marine salt deposits.
  • New Century: Challenger!

    New Century: Challenger!
    First to gather wide variety of information, chemicals, currents, marine life, and geography of and from the oceans. British ship to discover different parts of the ocean. Mariana trench, mid-atlanic ridge are examples.
  • Fridjof Nansen

    Fridjof Nansen
    Direction of ice drift in the artic. Studied, but The Fram (The vessel used) was 35 months frozen.
    Scientific data was complied about the artic ice drift that there had to be a current.
  • 60s

    Government ocean agenices multiplied in 19th century, after civil war--private institutions took ovre. Budget for Oceanography increased, more experiments/discoveries. In 1965 Satellite data was used to obtain more precise information about the ocean. 1968--deep sea drilling for natural resources was conducted.
  • 70s

    Explorations rapidly increased. Deep sea vents were discovered, peaked governments interest for minerals. Nation oceanic Atonospheric Association--monitor exploration of the vents. Satellites main tool of explorations. There was a rise in concern about the envoriment had grown.
  • 1992

    TOPEX (Poseidon)--Satellite, circulation of ocean (Joint U.S and French mission). The Bouys would give information and bounce it to the satellites giving intel on what was happening in the oceans. Makes thorough review of ocean polices/programs public awareness during the time. Areas of focus was the heatlh and productivity of the oceans, the habitats and ecosystems within the oceans would be searched, and the climate variations would be predicted.
  • 2000s

    WOCE--ocean study by using computer models and chemical tracers. Created a model of the oceans by using satellites. JGOFS--Solar radiation, bio elements, and plant growth.
    Thompson--Study vessel, 3,000 bouys.
  • 2001--Beyond

    Encourages new exploration missions for deep sea with ROVs, submarines, satellites, and imagery devices to help better understand/explore the ocean around us.
  • History the start

    History the start
    A little before 5, 000 B.C the Pateolithic period created barbed spears and gorges along with the neolithic period that used bone fish hook to take advantage of the resources in the oceans. By 5,000 B.C copper fishhooks were in use. These periods were considered the human period.