Xespecial entrevista obama 1280x1280.jpg.pagespeed.ic.h3zol6sbn1


  • Obama is born on August 4 in Hawaii

    Obama is born on August 4 in Hawaii
  • Obama goes to Harvard Law School

    Obama goes to Harvard Law School
  • Obama marries Michelle

    Obama marries Michelle
  • Obama has two daughters. Sasha and Malia.

    Obama has two daughters. Sasha and Malia.
  • Obama is the senator of illinois

    Obama is the senator of illinois
  • Obama is elected as the first black president of the USA

    Obama is elected as the first black president of the USA
  • Obama wins the novel price

    Obama wins the novel price
  • Obama passes a bill giving halth to all Americans

    Obama passes a bill giving halth to all Americans