North Korea

By konen7
  • World War II

    World War II
    After World War II, Soviet Troops occupied the North, and U.S. Troops occupied the South.
  • Communist Party

    Communist Party
    In 1946, North Korea's Communist Party was installed, including Soviet back leadership, which consisted of Red Army trained Kim Il-Sung.
  • Soviet Troops

    Soviet Troops
    The Democratic People's Republic of Korea proclaimed that the Soviet Troops withdrawal.
  • Invasion

    South Korea declares independance, which causing the invasion of North Korea.
  • End of Korean War

    End of Korean War
    The war ended with 2 million deaths, and the division of Communist North Korea, and Capitalist South Korea.
  • U.S. Vessel Seized

    U.S. Vessel Seized
    North Koreans seized a U.S. Intelligence vessel, claiming it was crossing their water lines, and they held all 83 crew members inprisioned.
  • Son of Kim il-Sung Moving Up

    Son of Kim il-Sung Moving Up
    The son of Kim il-Sung moves up and up on the political ladder In North Korea.
  • The Death of Kim il-Sung

    The Death of Kim il-Sung
    The death of "The Great Leader" was extremely devastating for North Korea, but that started the era of Kim Jong il.
  • Nuclear Reactors

    Nuclear Reactors
    The U.S. formally agrees to help provide nuclear that are designed to produce less weapons grade plutonium.
  • Death of Kim Jong il

    Death of Kim Jong il
    The death of Kim Jong il initiates the leadership of his song Kim Jong-un. Kim Jong-un is now known as "The Successor". He is expected to take over the ruling party leadership in early 2012.